A pancoronavirus RT-PCR assay for detection of all known coronaviruses / Leen Vijgen ... [et al.] -- Detection of group 1 coronaviruses in bats using universal coronavirus reverse transcription polymerase chain reactions / Leo L.M. Poon and J.S. Malik Peiris -- Detection and sequence characterization of the 3'-end of coronavirus genomes harboring the highly conserved RNA motif s2m / Christine Monceyron Janassen -- RT-PCR detection of avian coronaviruses of galliform birds (chicken, turkey, pheasant) and in a parrot / Francesca Anne Culver, Paul Britton, and Dave Cavanagh -- Detection of group 2a coronaviruses with emphasis on bovine and wild ruminant strains / Mustafa Hasoksuz, Anastasia Vlasova, and Linda J. Saif -- Detection of SARS coronavirus in humans and animals by conventional and quantitative (real time) reverse transcription polymerase chain reactions / J.S. Malik Peiris and Leo L.M. Poon -- Detection of new viruses by VIDISCA / Krzysztof Pyrc ... [et al.] -- Titration of human coronaviruses, HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43, by an indirect immunoperoxidase assay / Francine Lambert ... [et al.] -- The preparation of chicken tracheal organ cultures for virus isolation, propagation, and titration / Brenda V. Jones and Ruth M. Hennion -- Isolation and propagation of coronaviruses in embryonated eggs / James S. Guy -- Large-scale preparation of UV-inactivated SARS coronavirus virions for vaccine antigen / Yasuko Tsunetsugu-Yokota -- Purification and electron cryomicroscopy of coronavirus particles / Benjamin W. Neuman ... [et al.] -- Production of coronavirus nonstructural proteins in soluble form for crystallization / Yvonne Piotrowski ... [et al.] -- Generating antibodies to the gene 3 proteins of infectious bronchitis virus / Amanda R. Pendleton and Carolyn E. Machamer -- Establishment and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against SARS coronavirus / Kazuo Ohnishi -- Production of monospecific rabbit antisera recognizing nidovirus proteins / Jessika C. Zevenhoven-Dobbe ... [et al.] -- Manipulation of the coronavirus genome using targeted RNA recombination with interspecies chimeric coronaviruses / Cornelis A.M. de Haan ... [et al.] -- Generation of recombinant coronaviruses using vaccinia virus as the cloning vector and stable cell lines containing coronaviral replicon RNAs / Klara Kristin Eriksson, Divine Makia, and Volker Thiel -- Transient dominant selection for the modification and generation of recombinant infectious bronchitis coronaviruses / Maria Armesto ... [et al.] -- Engineering infectious cDNAs of coronavirus as bacterial artificial chromosomes / Fernando Almazán, Carmen Galán, and Luis Enjuanes -- Systematic assembly and genetic manipulation of the mouse hepatitis virus A59 genome / Eric F. Donaldson, Amy C.Sims, and Ralph S. Baric -- Identification of sugar residues involved in the binding of TGEV to porcine brush border membranes / Christel Schwegmann-Wessels and Georg Herrler -- Pseudotyped vesicular stomatitis virus for analysis of virus entry mediated by SARS coronavirus spike proteins / Shuetsu Fukushi, Rie Watanabe, and Fumihiro Taguchi