"Too posh to rock", or "common as muck" / Barbara Bradby -- "Nobody expects to be paid" nobody asks, "what is the fee" / Sarah Baker -- Revisiting "music industry research" / Mike Jones -- W(h)ither now? / Lee Marshall -- A double life with low theory / Dave Laing -- Short takes / Jon Savage, Karen Lury, Kevin Milburn, Sarah Thornton -- "You can't no be political" / Martin Cloonan -- Rock and role playing / Peter J. Martin -- Simon Frith / Ulf Lindberg, Gestur Gudmundsson, Morten Michelsen and Hans Weisethaunet -- "Not the sort of thing you could photocopy" / Philip Tagg -- Playing, performing, listening / Antoine Hennion -- Awards, prizes and popular taste / John Street -- More than a performance / Pete Astor and Keith Negus -- The decline (and perhaps the fall) of rock, pop and soul / Jason Toynbee