For visionary leaders, an Organizational Master Plan and associated technologies have become essential components of strategic decision making. Written for leaders, planners, consultants, and change agents, The Organizational Master Plan Handbook: A Catalyst for Performance Planning and Results explains how to merge the four planning activities that compose the Organizational Master Plan to manage, improve, and maximize organizational efficiency and effectiveness
Examines all the plans that should go on within an organization and details the purpose of each
Explaining how to make the strategic planning process a part of performance plans for individuals within your organization, the text incorporates sufficient flexibility so you can adapt and revise the plans discussed according to changing business needs and marketplace opportunities. It explains how to develop a set of vision statements to define how your organization will function five years into the future as well as how to develop the strategies needed to make the required transformation a success. Book jacket
Lays out a well-defined roadmap of the Organizational Master Plan process
Unveils a novel approach for preparing a Strategic Improvement Plan
Written by recognized leaders in applying Performance Improvement methodologies to business processes and entire organizations, this book defines the composition of and highlights the differences in the operating plan, strategic business plan, strategic improvement plan, and the organization's business plan. It defines each and explains how to link them to reduce costs and cycle times. Describing how to use controllable factors as the foundation for constructing your Organizational Master Plan, it demonstrates how the plan fits into organizational alignment activities