Role of Medical-Surgical Nursing -- Assessing Family Processes and Parenting Issues -- Communicating with Clients with Personal and Family Issues -- Complementary and Alternative Therapies -- Inflammation and Infection -- Caring for Clients in Shock -- Pain Assessment and Management -- Cancer -- Palliative and End-of-Life Care -- Assessment and Care for Clients with Fluid & Electrolyte Disturbances -- Assessment and Care for Clients with Acid/Base Disturbances -- IV Therapy -- Nursing Care of the Surgical Client -- Assessment of the Respiratory System -- Caring for Clients with Upper Respiratory Tract Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Acute Respiratory Disorders -- Assessment of the Cardiovascular System -- Caring for Clients with Dysrhythmias -- Caring for Clients with Inflammatory and Infectious Cardiac Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Heart Failure -- Caring for Clients with Peripheral Vascular Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Hypertension -- Assessment of the Hematologic Systems -- Caring for Clients with Hematological Disorders -- Assessment of the Renal System -- Caring for Clients with Urinary Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Renal Disorders -- Assessment of the Endocrine System -- Caring for Clients with Endocrine Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Diabetes Mellitus -- Assessing the Gastrointestinal System -- Managing Clients with Nutritional Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Lower Gastrointestinal Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Hepatobiliary Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Exocrine Pancreatic Disorders -- Managing the Client with a Fecal Diversion -- Assessment of the Neurological System -- Caring for Clients with Brain Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Spinal Cord Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Neurological Disorders -- Managing Clients with Sensory Disorders -- Assessing and Caring for Clients with Eye and Visual Disorders -- Assessing and Caring for Clients with Ear, Auditory, and Balance Disorders -- Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System -- Caring for Clients with Musculoskeletal Trauma -- Caring for Clients with Musculoskeletal Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Inflammatory Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Degenerative Disorders -- Assessment of Lymph and Immune Function -- Caring for Clients with Lymphatic and Plasma Cell Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Immunodeficiency and AIDS -- Caring for Clients with Hypersensitivity Allergic Response -- Caring for Clients with Autoimmune Diseases -- Assessment of the Integumentary System -- Caring for Clients with Integumentary Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Burn Injury -- Assessment of the Reproductive System -- Caring for Female Clients with Gynecological Disorders -- Infertility and Contraceptive Methods -- Caring for Clients with Breast Disorders -- Caring for Male Clients with Reproductive Disorders -- Assessment and Care of Clients with Sexually Transmitted Infections -- Assessment and Care of Clients with Mental Health Disorders -- Caring for Clients with Substance Abuse -- Caring for Clients with Psychobiological Conditions -- Health Care Issues of the Older Adult -- Bioterrorism and Mass Casualty Care -- Emergency Nursing Care Principles and Triage -- Applying Critical Thinking with Multiple Systems.
"Medical-surgical nursing: an integrated approach 3-Eis a comprehensive, reader friendly resource for the practical/vocational nursing student. The 3rd Edition has been completely reinvisioned and thoroughly updated in all aspects of its coverage, with chapters now broken out into smaller, more manageable portions. In addition to rich coverage of all body systems with anatomy & physiology, data collection, disease information, and a strong focus on the nursing process, exciting new chapters on family processes and issues, psychobiological issues, bioterrorism and more have been added. Engaging features including case studies, critical thinking exercises, evidence-based practice boxes, informatics boxes, memory tricks, and more support student learning and retention throughout the text. NCLEX style questions and Theory to Practice activities provide opportunities to test understanding and apply concepts. This is the ideal choice for instructors looking for depth of coverage and student-focused features."--Publisher's website.