Mathematical foundations of quantum field theory and perturbative string theory /
Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber, editors
vii, 354 pages :
illustrations ;
26 cm
Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics ;
v. 83
Includes bibliographical references
Models for ([infinity symbol], n)-categories and the cobordism hypothesis / Julia Bergner -- From operads to dendroidal sets / Ittay Weiss -- Field theories with defects and the centre functor / Alexei Davydov, Liang Kong, and Ingo Runkel -- Homotopical poisson reduction of gauge theories / Frédéric Paugam -- Orientifold précis / Jacques Distler, Daniel Freed, and Gregory Moore -- Surface operators in 3d TFT and 2d rational CFT / Anton Kapustin and Natalia Saulina -- Conformal field theory and a new geometry / Liang Kong -- Collapsing conformal field theories, spaces with non-negative Ricci curvature and non-commutative geometry / Yan Soibelman -- Supersymmetric field theories and generalized cohomology / Stephan Stolz and Peter Teichner -- Topological modular forms and conformal nets / Christpher Douglas and André Henriques