Devra G. Kleiman, advisory editor ; Valerius Geist, advisory editor ; Melissa C. McDade, project editor ; Joseph E. Trumpey, chief scientific illustrator
"AZA, Michael Hutchins, series editor in association with the American Zoo and Aquarium Association."
Translation of: Tierleben
Includes bibliographical references (pages 533-537) and index
v. 16. Mammals V -- Artiodactyla (continued) -- Antelopes, Cattle, Bison, Buffaloes, Goats, and Sheep (Bovidae) -- Bovids I: Kudus, Buffaloes, and Bison (Bovinae) -- Bovids II: Hartebeests, Wildebeests, Gemsboks, Oryx, and Reedbucks (Hippotraginae) -- Bovids III: Gazelles, Springboks, and Saiga Antelopes (Antilopinae) -- Bovids IV: Dikdiks, Beiras, Grysboks, and Steenboks (Neotraginae) -- Bovids V: Duikers (Cephalophinae) -- Bovids VI: Sheep, Goats, and Relatives (Caprinae) -- Pholidota (Pangolins) -- Rodentia (Rodents) -- Mountain Beavers (Aplodontidae) -- Squirrels and Relatives I: Flying Squirrels (Pteromyinae) -- Squirrels and Relatives II: Ground Squirrels -- Squirrels and Relatives III: Tree Squirrels -- Beavers (Castoridae) -- Pocket Gophers (Geomyidae) -- Pocket Mice, Kangaroo Rats, and Kangaroo Mice (Heteromyidae) -- Birch Mice, Jumping Mice, and Jerboas (Dipodidae) -- Rats, Mice, and Relatives I: Voles and Lemmings (Arvicolinae) -- Rats, Mice, and Relatives II: Hamsters (Cricetinae) -- Rats, Mice, and Relatives III: Old World Rats and Mice (Murinae) -- Rats, Mice, and Relatives IV: South American Rats and Mice (Sigmodontinae) -- Rats, Mice, and Relatives V: All Other Rats, Mice, and Relatives -- Scaly-Tailed Squirrels (Anomaluridae) -- Springhares (Pedetidae) -- Gundis (Ctenodactylidae) -- Dormice (Myoxidae) -- Dassie Rats (Petromuridae) -- Cane Rats (Thryonomyidae) -- African Mole-Rats (Bathyergidae) -- Old World Porcupines (Hystricidae) -- New World Porcupines (Erethizontidae) -- Viscachas and Chinchillas (Chinchillidae) -- Pacaranas (Dinomyidae) -- Cavies and Maras (Caviidae) -- Capybaras (Hydrochaeridae) -- Agoutis (Dasyproctidae) -- Pacas (Agoutidae) -- Tuco-Tucos (Ctenomyidae) -- Octodonts (Octodontidae) -- Chinchilla Rats (Abrocomidae) -- Spiny Rats (Echimyidae) -- Hutias (Capromyidae) -- Giant Hutias (Heptaxodontidae) -- Coypus (Myocastoridae) -- Lagomorpha (Pikas, rabbits, and hares) -- Pikas (Ochotonidae) -- Hares and Rabbits (Leporidae) -- Macroscelidea (Sengis) -
Provides information on the evolution and systematics, physical characteristics, distribution, habitat, behavior, feeding ecology and diet, reproductive biology, and conservation status of five orders of mammals, each with species accounts