Prologue: A universe from nothing? -- 1. Spacetime: The Cosmic Stage -- 2. Cosmic Casino: The Realm of the Quantum -- 3. Hot Big Bang: Producing the Primordial Soup -- 4. Inflating the Universe: It Takes GUTs -- 5. The Galactic Cobweb: and the Multiverse -- 6. Paradigm Shift: Inflation Checks Out -- 7. Before Inflation: The Pea, the Brane, & the Search for the Ultimate Beginning -- Prologue: Fossils from Space -- 8. Interstellar Ecology: Cycles of Birth, Death and Rebirth -- 9. A Star is Born: Prelude to Planets -- 10. Solar Systems: From Rococo Clockwork to Extrasolar Planets -- 11. Pebbles to Planets: The Origin of the Solar System -- 12. To Life: The Organic Soup Kitchen -- Afterword: Cosmology and Environmentalism