On the very possibility of queer theory / Claire Colebrook -- Thirty-six thousand forms of love: the queering of Deleuze and Guattari / Verena Andermatt Conley -- The sexed subject in-between Deleuze and Butler / Anna Hickey-Moody and Mary Lou Rasmussen -- Every 'one'--a crowd, making room for the excluded middle / Dorothea Olkowski -- The adventures of a sex / Luciana Parisi -- Queer hybridity / Mikko Tuhkanen -- Prosthetic performativity: Deleuzian connections and queer corporealities / Margrit Shildrick -- Unnatural alliances / Patricia MacCormack -- Schreber and the penetrated male / Jonathan Kemp -- Butterfly kiss: the contagious kiss of becoming-lesbian / Chrysanthi Nigianni.