Spirit. Running / George Sheehan ; Runners / Roger Hart ; One runner's beginnings / Rachel Toor ; Seasons / Hal Higdon -- Body. My old Buick / Don Kardong ; Machine / Leslie Heywood ; White men can't run / Amby Burfoot ; Evolution of intelligent running ape people / Bernd Heinrich -- Mind. I don't like to run long distances / Ram Reed ; The outer limits/running into the abyss / Steve Scott with Marc Bloom ; The bridge / Frank Murphy -- Mentor. Running for their lives / Gary Smith ; Lornah and her camp for girls / Lori Shontz ; The man / Kenny Moore ; Running with ghosts / Mark Wukas -- Race. Four-minute mile / Roger Bannister ; Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers! / Kathrine Switzer ; Me and Julio down by the school yard / Marc Bloom ; The dream mile / Marty Liquori and Skip Myslenski ; Duel in the sun / John Brant ; Mary vs. the Soviets / Frank Murphy -- Bonds. Chasing justice / Kenny Moore ; The brotherhood / Rich Elliott ; Someone to run with / Sara Corbett ; Team Hoyt starts again / John Brant -- Heart. The battle of a lifetime / Norman Harris ; Through the tunnel ; Joan Benoit Samuelson with Sally Baker ; But only on Sunday: Ron Clarke / Kenny Moore ; One one-hundredth of a second / Marla Runyan with Sally Jenkins ; The American dreamer / Dave Kuehls ; In Pre's footsteps / Don Kardong ; Toughest miler ever / Woody Woodburn
An anthology of inspirational stories, humorous accounts, and pivotal moments in the sport of running