Prologue: save the apes! -- Heart of darkness -- Homeless -- Bushmeat -- Outbreak -- In a not-so-gilded cage -- The double-edged sword of ecotourism -- Ethnocide -- Epilogue: may there always be apes
"Stanford sees great apes as not only intelligent but also possessed of a culture: both toolmakers and social beings capable of passing cultural knowledge down through generations. Compelled by his field research to take up the cause of conservation, he is unequivocal about where responsibility for extinction of these species lies. Our extermination campaign against the great apes has been as brutal as the genocide we have long practiced on one another. Stanford shows how complicity is shared by people far removed from apes' shrinking habitats. We learn about extinction's complex links with cell phones, European meat eaters, and ecotourism, along with the effects of Ebola virus, poverty, and political instability. Even the most environmentally concerned observers are unaware of many specific threats faced by great apes. Stanford fills us in, and then tells us how we can redirect the course of an otherwise bleak future"--Provided by publisher