Part I. Matter and the universe -- Cosmology / Wendy L. Freedman, Edward W. Kolb -- Gravity / Ronald Adler -- New astronomy / Arnon Dar -- Particles and the standard model / Chris Quigg -- Superstring theory / Michael B. Green -- Part II. Quantum matter -- Manipulating atoms with photons / Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Jean Dalibard -- Quantum world of ultra-cold atoms / William Phillips, Christopher Foot -- Superfluids / Henry Hall -- Quantum phase transitions / Subir Sachdev -- Part III. Quanta in action -- Essential quantum entanglement / Anton Zeilinger -- Quanta, ciphers and computers / Artur Ekert -- Small scale structures and "nanoscience" / Yoseph Imry -- Part IV. Calculation and computation -- Physics of chaotic systems / Henry Abarbanel -- Complex systems / Antonio Politi -- Collaborative physics, e-science and the grid : realizing Licklider's dream / Tony Hey, Anne Trefethen -- Part V. Science in action -- Biophysics and biomolecular materials / Cyrus Safinya -- Medical physics / Nicolaj Pavel -- Physics of materials / Robert Cahn -- Physics and society / Ugo Amaldi
"This book investigates the key frontiers in modern-day physics, exploring our Universe - from the particles inside an atom to the stars that make up a galaxy, from brain research to the latest advances in high-speed electronic research networks. Each of the nineteen self-contained chapters written by leading international experts in will fascinate scientists of all disciplines and anyone wanting to know more about the world of physics today."--BOOK JACKET