Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010 -- New features -- Upgrading and converting to Access 2010 -- Macros in Access 2010 -- Using the VBA editor -- VBA basics -- Using VBA in Access -- Creating classes in VBA -- Extending VBA with APIS -- Working with the Windows registry -- Using DAO to access data -- Using ADO to Access data -- Using SQL with VBA -- Using VBA to enhance forms -- Enhancing reports with VBA -- Customizing the ribbon -- Customizing the office backstage -- Working with Office 2010 -- Working with Sharepoint -- Working with .NET -- Building client-server applications with Access -- The Access 2010 templates -- Access runtime deployment -- Database security -- Access 2010 security features -- Appendix. The Access object model ; DAO object method and property descriptions ; ADO object model reference ; 64-bit Access ; Reference for projects ; Reserved words and special characters ; Naming conventions ; The access source code control ; Tips and tricks
Presents information on the features of Microsoft Access 2010 to build database applications, integrate with other programs, develop Web Applications, and upgrade existing applications