positive strategies to engage all students and promote a psychology of success /
John Shindler
1st ed
San Francisco :
x, 374 p. :
ill. ;
28 cm
Jossey-Bass teacher
"Grades K-12"--Cover
Includes bibliographical references and index
Introduction to transformative classroom management -- Classifying approaches to classroom management and moving up the teaching style continuum -- Exploring the fundamental components of the classroom environment -- Promoting clear and shared classroom expectations: the cornerstone of the effective classroom -- Effective technical management: promoting a culture of listening, respect, and efficiency in the classroom -- Examining motivational strategies: what makes your students care? -- Promoting a success psychology in students -- Creating collective classroom bonds with a social contract -- Developing logical and related consequences within the social contract--and why to avoid the use of punishments -- Implementing the social contract and promoting student responsibility -- Transformative classroom instruction and the pedagogy-management connection -- Effectively managing the cooperative classroom -- A win-win approach to conflict resolution and potential power struggles -- Changing the negative identity pattern and succeeding with more challenging student behavior -- The transformative classroom: implementing a 1-style approach and creating a classroom community -- The transformative mind-set and making your thinking an ally