edited by George Lucas ; foreword by General Martin E. Dempsey
xxvi, 449 pages ;
26 cm
Routledge handbooks
Includes bibliographical references and index
Military ethics: a discipline in crisis / Alasdair C. MacIntyre -- American military professions and their ethics / Colonel Don M. Snider -- A profession like no other / Patricia Cook -- The ethics of military ethics education / Richard Schoonhoven -- Jus ante bellum: principles of prewar conduct / Roger Wertheimer -- Selective conscientious objection / Paul Robinson -- Military culture and war crimes / Jessica Wolfendale -- Military ethics and character development / Martin L. Cook -- Ethics in the U.S. Navy / Vice Admiral Walter E. Carter, Jr. -- Effective democratization and the development of moral competencies in the Armed Forces of African states / Alain Fogue Tedom -- Expeditionary ethics education / David Whetham -- Military ethics in variant cultural traditions: warrior codes revisited / Shannon E. French -- Military ethics: from theory to practice / Brigadier General Benoit Royal -- Military ethics in Sun Tzu's The Art of War and its contemporary significance / Colonel Shang Wei -- Three synoptic views of China's "People's Liberation Army" on military ethics and justified war / Ping-cheung Lo -- Japanese warfare ethics/ Vice Admiral Fumio Ota -- Armed forces officership: an international military capability / Patrick Mileham -- Military ethics and strategy: senior commanders, moral values, and cultural perspectives / Shannon Brandt Ford -- Toward a European code of conduct for military and peacekeeping forces / Second Lieutenants Hakim Bouzid, Pierre Falzon, Eudes Foutel, Malik Ibrahima (Beʹnin), Quentin Le Goaziou, Sylvian Mve Ongoua (Gabon), and Charles N'Gandy -- Ethical issues in defense systems acquisition / Major General Robert Latiff -- The revolt of the generals / Colonel Jeffrey D. McCausland -- Ethical assessment up and down the civilian-military chain of command / Major General Paul D. Eaton -- The military scientist: deconflicting moral responsibilities / Thierry Richevin -- Military medical ethics in war and peace / Michael L. Gross -- Serving two masters: when professional ethics collide with personal morality / Rebecca J. Johnson -- The unlimited liability contract and its effects on serving military personnel / Reverend Nikki Coleman -- The ethics of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy and military readiness / Aaron Belkin -- The ethics of inclusion: gender equality, equal opportunity, and sexual assault in the Australian, British, Canadian, and U.S. armed forces / Andrea Ellner -- Ethical issues in armed humanitarian intervention / Stephen Coleman -- Private military contractors and the military profession / George Lucas -- Ethics and the human terrain system / Colonel Daniel S. Zupan -- Military operations and media coverage: the interplay of law and legitimacy / Laurie R. Blank -- Drones and targeted killings: facing the challenges of unlimited executive power / Amos Guiora and Jason Shelton -- Drones, courage, and military culture / Robert Sparrow -- Non-lethal weapons and rules of engagement / Pauline Shanks Kaurin -- Captain America and Iron Man: biological, genetic, and psychological enhancement and the warrior ethos / Maxwell J. Mehlman -- Just war under CyberGaia / Colonel James Cook
Handbook of military ethics
Military ethics
Just war doctrine, Handbooks, manuals, etc
Military ethics, Handbooks, manuals, etc
War-- Moral and ethical aspects, Handbooks, manuals, etc