From science as knowledge to science as practice / Andrew Pickering -- The self-vindication of the laboratory sciences / Ian Hacking -- Putting agency back into experiment / David Gooding -- The couch, the cathedral, and the laboratory : on the relationship between experiment and laboratory in science / Karin Knorr Cetina -- Constructing quaternions : on the analysis of conceptual practice / Andrew Pickering and Adam Stephanides -- Crafting science : standardized packages, boundary objects, and "translation" / Joan H. Fujimura -- Extending Wittgenstein : the pivotal move from epistemology to the sociology of science / Michael Lynch -- Left and right Wittgensteinians / David Bloor -- From the "will to theory" to the discursive collage : a reply to Bloor's "Left and right Wittgensteinians" / Michael Lynch -- Epistemological chicken / H.M. Collins and Steven Yearley
Some remarks about positionism : a reply to Collins and Yearley / Steve Woolgar -- Don't throw the baby out with the bath school! : a reply to Collins and Yearley / Michel Callon and Bruno Latour -- Journey into space / H.M. Collins and Steven Yearley -- Social epistemology and the research agenda of science studies / Steve Fuller -- Border crossings : narrative strategies in science studies and among physicists in Tsukuba Science City, Japan / Sharon Traweek