Studying neuronal function using the Drosophila genetic system / J. Douglas Armstrong, Stephen F. Goodwin -- Using mouse genetics to study neuronal development and function / Harald Jockusch, Thomas Schmitt-John -- Gene expression : from precursor to mature neuron / Uwe Ernsberger -- Protein trafficking in neurons / Christopher N. Connolly -- Ion channels and electrical activity / Mauro Pessia -- Molecular biology of transmitter release / Julie Staple, Stefan Catsicas -- Molecular biology of postsynaptic structures / Flaminio Cattabeni, Fabrizio Gardoni, Monica Di Luca -- Signal reception : Ligand-gated ion channel receptors / R. Wayne Davies, Thora A. Glencorse -- Signal reception: G protein-coupled receptors / Jennifer A. Koenig -- Synapse-to-nucleus calcium signalling / Giles E. Hardingham -- Signalling by tyrosine phosphorylation in the nervous system / Jean-Antoine Girault -- Mature neurons : Signal transduction-serine/ threonine kinases / Renata Zippel, Simona Baldassa, Emmapaola Sturani -- The cytoskeleton / Javier Diaz-Nido, Jesus Avila -- Neuronal Plasticity / Brian J. Morris -- Genetic basis of human neuronal diseases / Mark E.S. Bailey -- Ageing and the death of neurones / Paul Shiels, R. Wayne Davies
This book is a valuable compendium of up-to-date reviews of neuronal molecular biology by leading researchers in the field. It covers all aspects of neuron structure and function, with the emphasis on genetic and molecular analysis