a reader and guide to improving your understanding of written French /
Annie Heminway
xiii, 223 pages ;
23 cm
Better reading language series
Preface -- How to use this book -- Embrasse-Moi -- Les petits mots d'amour: a game of love, Valentine's Day cards, and proverbs about love -- L'horoscope: horoscopes-Western and Chinese -- Les petites announces classees: looking for love in the classifieds -- L'amour eternel: a letter from Juliette Drouet to Victor Hugo -- La vie romantique: a letter from George Sand to Alfred de Musset -- L'amour au atheatre: Moliere's pursuit of the perfect expression of love -- L'amour et les chats: Chateaubriand's love of cats -- L'amour et le chocolat: for the love of chocolate -- L'adieu: a farewell poem / Apollinaire -- Ecris-Moi -- Les notes: sticky notes, to-do lists, e-mail, a love letter, a "Dear John" letter, postcards, and a wedding invitation -- Exhanges entre voisins: correspondence-neighborly and not so neighborly -- Correspondance administrative: a letter to city hall -- Lettre de cachet: an official request -- Lettres historiques: letters from the battlefield -- Runes: the magic of writing -- Haikus: poetry in three lines -- Poeme: a prose poem / Frank Smith -- Nourris-Moi -- La panoplie du chef: a chef's stock-in-trade -- Recettes: three recipes, beginning with dessert -- Portrait de chef: Guy Martin of Le Grand Vefour -- Questions aux chefs: interviews with three famous Parisian chefs -- Les critiques culinaires: a guide to Parisian restaurants -- Cuisine et litterature: Dejeuner with Proust -- Les manieres de table: eating do's and don'ts in the 1800s -- Le menu: a Moroccan restaurant in New York City -- Enivrez-vous: an invitation from Baudelaire -- Chante, Chante -- A la claire fontaine: a seventeenth-century soldier's lament -- Le temps des cerises: politics and love in the nineteenth-century song -- Les roses blanches: lyrical white roses from maman -- Carmen: romance in Bizet's opera -- Le chant gregorien: centuries-old plainsong -- L'Olympia: resurrecting a musical theater in Paris -- Le Musee de la Musique: A museum of musical instruments -- Interview avec Fabien Anselme: a young songewriter from Lyons -- Nous n'irons plus au bois: a song based on a nineteenth-century poem -- Emmene-Moi -- La France des musees: museums-old and new -- Les musees ruraux: bread, bees, and ostriches in the countryside -- Les musees urbains: fabric and fashion in the city -- Les maisons d'artistes: the artist's spirit lives on -- Le Paris des jardins: the green space of Paris -- Emmene-Moi Au Bout Du Monde -- L'esprit TGV: save time-take the train -- Dossier pratique: no car? no problem -- Un voyage d'affaires: doing business in Venice -- L'Orient-express: a history of the train of myth and mystique -- Un tour en montgolfiere: up, up, and away -- Paris boheme: a stroll through 1920s Montparnasse -- Theodore Monod: a scientist and humanitarian whose passion was the desert -- Alexandra David-Neel: pages from an explorer's journal -- Le vent dans le nez: a poem / Jean-Pierre Devant de Martin -- Fais-Moi Explorer -- Les inventions: hot-air balloons, garbage cans, Braille and robots -- L'euro: technology in your pocket -- Les vitraux: craftsmanship in the restoration of stained glass -- Maire Curie, une pinniere du prix Nobel au Pantheon: the first woman to join the nation's "great men" -- Medecins San Frontieres: relieving the world's suffering -- Adolphe Sax: the highs and lows of an inventor's life -- Explique-Moi Tous Les Symboles -- Les symboles francais: maxims, the rooster, Marianne, a nd La Marseillaise -- Les drapeaux: the flags of France and the European Union -- Symboles europeens: a hymn, a currency, and a motto -- L'Academie francaise: protecting the mother tongue -- Les discours: speech, speech! Victor Hugo delivers -- Hommage au monde francophone: a tribute to the mother tongue -- Chant a l'Indien: a poem / Khireddine Mourad -- Suggestions for further reading -- Answer key
From the Publisher: A unique method of learning and sharpening your French language skills. For the advanced beginner or intermediate-level learner, reading offers you the most convenient way to practice and sharpen your French and monitor your progress. Better Reading French brings you short passages that reflect French history and culture as well as contemporary issues and situations taken from magazines, the Internet, books, and newspapers. Covering such topics as cuisine, love, music, travel, technology, politics, and history, each chapter features reading selections that become more challenging as the sections progress. Here you will find a feature on Alain Ducasse's favorite recipes, a letter from nineteenth-century actress Juliette Drouet to her lover Victor Hugo, descriptions of France's many museums, and more than fifty other selections to help you improve your reading speed and understanding. Following each article is a set of exercises that help your comprehension and develop invaluable reading skills including: Skimming material for general meaning, Scanning for details, Using word formation, cognates, and context to determine meaning, and Understanding idioms and artistic expressions. An appendix provides suggestions for further reading. Better Reading French will not only help you improve or revive your language skills, it also will open up the enjoyable and exciting world of reading in French