One Introduction -- 1 Geomorphology of desert environments -- 2 Global deserts: a geomorphic comparison -- Two Weathering -- 3 Weathering processes and forms -- 4 Aridic soils, patterned ground, and desert pavements -- 5 Duricrusts -- 6 Rock varnish in deserts -- Three Hillslopes -- 7 Rock slopes -- 8 Rock-mantled slopes -- 9 Badlands -- 10 Plants on desert hillslopes -- Four Rivers -- 11 Catchment and channel hydrology -- 12 Channel processes and forms -- Five Piedmonts -- 13 Pediments in arid environments -- 14 Alluvial fan processes and forms -- Six Lake Basins -- 15 Hemiarid lake basins: hydrographic patterns -- 16 Hemiarid lake basins: geomorphic patterns -- Seven Aeolian Surfaces -- 17 Aeolian sediment transport -- 18 Dune morphology and dynamics -- 19 Landforms of aeolian erosion -- Eight Climatic Change -- 20 Rock varnish as evidence of climatic change -- 21 Hillslopes as evidence of climatic change -- 22 River landforms and sediments: evidence of climatic change -- 23 The role of climatic change in alluvial fan development -- 24 Geomorphic evidence of climatic change from desert-basin palaeolakes -- 25 Palaeoclimatic interpretations from desert dunes and sediments -- 26 Cenozoic climatic changes in deserts: a synthesis.
Over the last twenty years there has been a major expansion of knowledge in the field of landforms and landforming processes of deserts. This advanced-level book provides a benchmark for the current state of science, and is written by an international team of authors who are acknowledged experts in their fields.