Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VII & VIII
edited by Orazio Descalzi, Javier Martínez, Enrique Tirapegui.
Dordrecht :
Imprint: Springer,
Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems,
1386-288X ;
I. Courses -- Diffusion-limited reactions of particles with fluctuating activity -- Classical Dynamics of Excitations of Bose Condensates in Anisotropic Traps -- Bifurcations in Attractive Bose-Einstein Condensates and Superfluid Helium -- Phase boundary dynamics in a one-dimensional non-equilibrium lattice gas -- Conventional Bose-Einstein condensation -- II. Invited Conferences and Seminars -- On the topographic rectification of ocean fluctuations -- Dynamics of conical singularities: S type d-cones -- Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Scalp EEG Epileptic Signals -- A theorem on wave packets -- The Kolmogorov-Lax-Phillips Systems as Branch Systems of the Reichembach Model -- Computing the quantum Boltzmann equation from a Kossakowski-Lindblad generator -- A Combined Density Functional and Semiclassical Approach to Describe Atomic/Ionic Radii -- Boundary-Forced Spatial Chaos -- Chaotic toy model of mobile beds in natural channels -- Chaotic motion and the classical-quantum border -- Thermodynamic behavior of a stain -- Approach to equilibrium for quantum systems with continuous spectrum -- Linear Marangoni problem in a diluted polymer -- On some localized solutions of coupled Ginzburg-Landau equations -- Stable-Unstable Transitions in Viscous Fingering -- Force distribution in two dimensional sandpile -- Time-periodic forcing of Turing patterns in the Brusselator model -- Realizations of the random representations of the Navier-Stokes equations by ordinary differential equations -- Characterization of the Dynamical Evolution of Electroencephalogram Time Series -- Exact results in trapping reactions for mobile particles and a single trap -- Vortex-dipole surface wave interactions in deep water -- Non linear dynamics, pattern formation and materials science -- New results for diffusion-limited reactions within a stochastic model -- Author Index.
The contents of this book correspond to Sessions VII and VIII of the International Workshop on Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures which took place in Vifia del Mar, Chile, in December 1997 and December 1999, respectively. We were not able to publish this book before and we apologize for this fact to the authors and participants of the meeting. We have made an effort to actualize the courses and articles which have been reviewed by the authors. Both Workshops were organized by Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas, Universidad de Chile, Instituto de Fisica of Universidad Cat61ica de Valparaiso and Centro de Fisica No Lineal y Sistemas Complejos de Santiago. We are glad to acknowledge here the support of the Facultad de Ingenieria of Universidad de los Andes of Santiago which also be from now on one of the organizing Institutions of future Workshops. Enrique Tirapegui PREFACE This book is divided in two parts. In Part I we have collected the courses given in Sessions VII and VIII of the Workshop and in Part II we include a selection of the invited Conferences and Seminars presented at both meetings.