NATO ASI Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences,
1389-2185 ;
Translational Energy Release in the Photodissociation of Aromatic Molecules -- The Structure of the Transition State as Inferred from Product State Distributions -- Studies of Rapid Intramolecular and Intraionic Dynamic Processes with Two-Color Picosecond Lasers and Mass Spectrometry -- Detection of Dipolar Contribution to the Mechanism of the Triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer Process in Molecular Solids -- Gas Phase Chain Polymerization -- Comments on Clusters in Beams, Spectroscopy and Phase Transitions -- Energy Transfer in Collisions of Positive Halogen Ions with Rare Gas Atoms -- Correlations in Picosecond Pulse Scattering: Applications for Fast Reaction Dynamics -- Picosecond Transient Raman Studies: Technique and Applications -- Picosecond Spectroscopy of Iron Porphyrins and Hemoproteins -- Intermolecular Proton Transfer -- Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Phase Reactions by Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Spectroscopy -- High Sensitivity, Time-Resolved Absorption Spectroscopy by Intracavity Laser Techniques -- Dynamics of Excited States of an Atom Interacting With Strong Laser Fields -- Dynamics of Excited States of Two Identical Atoms Interacting With Strong Laser Fields -- Stimulated One-Photon and Multiphoton Processes in Strongly Driven Multilevel Atomic Systems -- Ab-Initio Multireference Determinant Configuration Interaction (MRD-CI) and Casscf Calculations On Energetic Compounds -- Crystal Structures of Energetic Compounds: Ab-Initio Potential Functions and Ab-Initio Crystal Orbitals -- Theoretical Studies of the C4 Molecule -- Fractal Aspects of Heterogeneous Chemical Reactions -- The Propagation of Turbulent Flames and Detonations in Tubes -- KrF Laser Induced Decomposition of Tetranitromethane -- Infrared Laser Multiphoton Decomposition of 1, 3, 5-Trinitrohexahydro-S-Triazine (RDX) -- Transient Photochemistry of Nitrobenzene and Nitronaphthalenes -- Dynamics of the Collision Free Unimolecular Fragmentation of Primary Alkyl Epoxides -- Coherent and Spontaneous Raman Spectroscopy in Shocked and Unshocked Liquids -- Reaction Products of Energetic Materials Heated by Short Laser Pulses -- Spectroscopy as a Tool to Probe Laser Initiation of Primary Explosives -- Dislocation Pile-Up Mechanism for Initiation of Energetic Crystals -- Laser Emission at 502nm Induced by KrF Laser Multiphoton Dissociation of HgBr2 -- The Dynamics of Electric Field Effects in Low Polar Solutions: The Field Modulation Method -- High Electric Field Perturbation and Relaxation of Dipole Equilibria. A Hazardous Undertaking? -- The Mechanism of Energy Storage in the Reaction Center in Photosynthetic Bacteria And Attempts To Simulate Processes Using Monolayer Assembly Technique -- Structure and Dynamics of Metal-Nucleic Acid Interactions -- Detection and Characterization of Short-Lived Species by Nanosecond Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Techniques -- Formation, Decay, and Spectral Characterization of Some Sulfonyl Radicals -- Density and Concentration Fluctuations in Macromolecular Systems as Probed By Dynamic Laser Light Scattering -- List of Participants.
This book contains the formal lectures and contributed papers presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on. the Advances in Chemical Reaction Dynamics. The meeting convened at the city of Iraklion, Crete, Greece on 25 August 1985 and continued to 7 September 1985. The material presented describes the fundamental and recent advances in experimental and theoretical aspects of, reaction dynamics. A large section is devoted to electronically excited states, ionic species, and free radicals, relevant to chemical sys tems. In addition recent advances in gas phase polymerization, formation of clusters, and energy release processes in energetic materials were presented. Selected papers deal with topics such as the dynamics of electric field effects in low polar solutions, high electric field perturbations and relaxation of dipole equilibria, correlation in picosecond/laser pulse scattering, and applications to fast reaction dynamics. Picosecond transient Raman spectroscopy which has been used for the elucidation of reaction dynamics and structural changes occurring during the course of ultrafast chemical reactions; propagation of turbulent flames and detonations in gaseous· energetic systems are also discussed in some detail. In addition a large portion of the program was devoted to current experimental and theoretical studies of the structure of the transition state as inferred from product state distributions; translational energy release in the photodissociation of aromatic molecules; intramolecu lar and intraionic dynamic processes.
Springer eBooks
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Iraklion, Crete, Greece, August 25-September 7, 1985