Nucleosynthesis and Its Implications on Nuclear and Particle Physics
edited by Jean Audouze, Nicole Mathieu.
Dordrecht :
Springer Netherlands,
NATO ASI Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences,
1389-2185 ;
I - Primordial Nucleosynthesis -- Primordial nucleosynthesis in 1985 -- The puzzle of lithium in evolved stars -- High energy particles in dark molecular clouds -- Standard big bang nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution of D and 3He -- The survival of Helium-3 in stars -- How degenerate can we be ? -- Early-photoproduction of D and 3He and pregalactic nucleosynthesis of the light elements -- Influence of quark nuggets on primordial nucleosynthesis -- Primordial nucleosynthesis with generic particles -- Dark matter and cosmological nucleosynthesis -- Nucleosynthetic consequences of population III stars -- II - Explosive Objects -- Nucleosynthesis accompanying classical nova outbursts -- Reaction rates in the RP-process and nucleosynthesis in novae -- Type I supernovae -- Nucleosynthesis and type I supernovae -- Explosive nucleosynthesis in carbon deflagration models of type I supernovae -- Differentially rotating equilibrium models and the collapse of rotating degenerate configurations -- Theoretical models for type I and type II supernova -- Pair creation supernovae with rotation -- Nucleosynthesis and massive star evolution -- Evolution and nucleosynthesis of massive stars with extended mixing -- Nucleosynthesis in massive, mass losing, stars -- Nucleosynthesis in massive stars: winds from WR stars and isotopic anomalies in cosmic rays -- Explosive disruption of stars by big black holes -- Nucleosynthesis in pancake stars -- Optical supernova remnants -- Light curves of exploding WoIf-Rayet stars -- III - S PROCESS -- s-process nucleosynthesis - stellar aspects and the classical model -- s-process nucleosynthesis below A=90 -- Pulsed-Neutron-Source models for the astrophysical s-process -- Stellar s-process diagnostics -- Production and survival of 99Tc in He-shell recurrent thermal pulses -- Neutron capture nucleosynthesis in massive stars -- A parametrized study of the 13C(?,n) 16O neutron source -- IV - Chemical Evolution and Chronometers -- Type I SNe from binary systems: consequences on galactic chemical evolution -- Magnesium isotopes and galactic evolution -- 26A1 experimental results -- 26A1 produced by Wolf-Rayet stars and the 1.8 MeV line emission of the galaxy -- 26Al-destruction in neutron rich environments -- Certainties and uncertainties in long-lived chronometers -- More about nucleocosmochronology: the reliability of the long-lived chronometers, and the production of extinct radioactivities -- Chronometer studies with initial galactic enrichment -- A possible unified interpretation of the solar 46Ca/ Ca46 abundance ratio and Ca-Ti isotopie anomalies in meteorites -- V - Relevant Nuclear Physics Problems -- The screening of photodisintegration reactions -- Electron polarization in nuclear reactions at high density -- Large-basis shell-model technology in nucleosynthesis and cosmology -- Properties of anomalous nuclei and their possible effects on stellar burning -- Stellar reaction rate of 14N(p,?)15 0+ -- Recent progress in experimental determination of the 12C(?,?)16 0-reaction rate -- Radioactive ion beams: research motivation and methods of production -- VI - Neutrinos and Monopoles -- The gallium solar neutrino experiment Gallex -- Real-time detection of low energy solar neutrinos with indium and superheated superconductivity -- Can neutrinos from Cygnus x-3 be seen by proton decay detectors ? -- Detection of magnetic monopoles with metastable type I superconductors -- List of Authors -- List of Participants.
I - PRIMORDIAL NUCLEOSYNTHESIS 1 --. -~-~----,---,-. --------- H. Reeves Primordial nucleosynthesis in 1985 3 The puzzle of lithium in evolved stars H. Reeves 13 High energy particles in dark molecular H. Reeves clouds 23 P. Delbourgo-Salvador, G. Malinie, J. Audouze Standard big bang nucleosynthesis and 3 chemical evolution of D and He 27 G. steigman, D. S. P. Dearborn, D. N. Schramm The survival of Helium,3 in stars 37 G. steigroan How degenerate can we be ? 45 J. Audouze, D. Lindley, J. Silk 3 Early-photoproduction of D and He and pregalactic nucleosynthesis of the light elements 57 R. Schaeffer, P. Delbourgo-Salvador, J. Audouze Influence of quark nuggets on primordial nucleosynthesis 65 T. P. Walker, E. W. Kolb, M. S. Turner Primordi. al nucleosynthesis with generic part. icles 71 D. N. Schramm Dark matter and cosmological nucleosynthesis 79 B. J. Carr Nucleosynthetic consequences of population [II stars W. Glatzel 87 vi CONTENTS 95 I I -EXPWSIVE OBJECTS J. W. Truran Nucleosynthesis accompanying classical nova outbursts 97 M. Wiescher, J. GOrres, P. -K. Thielemann, H. Ritter Reaction rates in the RP-process and nucleosynthesis in novae 105 Type I supernovae ll3 J. C. Wheeler R. canal, J. lsern, J. Labay, R. Lbpez Nucleosynthesis and type I supernovae 121 P. -K. Thielemann, K. Nomoto, K. Yokoi EXplosive nucleosynthesis in carbon deflagration models of type I supernovae 131 E. Mi. iller, Y. Eriquchi Differentially rotating equilibrium models and the collapse of rotating degenerate configurations 143 S. E. WOOsley, T. A.
Springer eBooks
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (Fifth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting), Les Arcs, France, March 17-23, 1985