Proceedings of the First International Conference on Strategies and Techniques for the Investigation and Monitoring of Contaminated Sites /
edited by Johannes Gottlieb, Heinz Hötzl, Karin Huck, Reinhard Niessner.
Dordrecht :
Springer Netherlands,
These Proceedings contain both oral and poster contributions to the first international conference `Field Screening Europe - Strategies and Techniques for On-Site Investigation and Monitoring of Contaminated Soil, Water and Air', held in Karlsruhe on September 29-October 1, 1997. Environmental monitoring and the assessment of chemical contamination are becoming more and more important. The integrated study of environmental contamination in the field is a rather recent approach. `Field screening' comprises field analytical tools, (quick) methods and strategies for on-site or in-situ environmental analysis and assessment of contamination. Field screening includes field analytical methods such as mobile laboratories, portable analyses, detectors, sensors, or noninvasive techniques, and also reconnaissance strategies and problems of measurement in heterogeneous media using, among others, new geotechnical and geophysical instruments. Audience: Environmental engineers, geoscientists, chemists, biologists, soil scientists, hydrologists, geophysicists.
Springer eBooks
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Strategies and Techniques for the Investigation and Monitoring of Contaminated Sites