Additives are essential -- Quick Reference Guide -- Practical Methods of Mixing Additives with Polymers -- Analytical Methods for Additives in Plastics -- Biodegradation of Plastics: Monitoring what Happens -- Acid Scavengers for Polyolefins -- Anti-Blocking of Polymer Films -- Antioxidants: An Overview -- Antioxidants: Hindered Phenols -- Antioxidants: Their Analysis in Plastics -- Antioxidants for Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) -- Antistatic Agents -- Biocides -- Biocides: Some Kinetic Aspects -- Biodegradation Promoters for Plastics -- Blowing Agents -- Calcium Carbonate -- Carbon Black -- Compatibilizers for Recycled Polyethylene -- Conducting Fillers for Plastics: (1) Flakes and Fibres -- Conducting Fillers for Plastics: (2) Conducting Polymer Additives -- Coupling Agents -- Curing Agents -- Diluents and Viscosity Modifiers for Epoxy Resins -- Dyes for the Mass Coloration of Plastics -- Fibres: the Effect of Short Glass Fibres on the Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastics -- Fillers -- Fillers: Their Effect on the Failure Modes of Plastics -- Flame Retardancy: The Approaches Available -- Flame Retardants: Borates -- Flame Retardants: Halogen-Free Systems (including Phosphorus Additives) -- Flame Retardants: Inorganic Oxide and Hydroxide Systems -- Flame Retardants: Intumescent Systems -- Flame Retardants: Iron Compounds, their Effect on Fire and Smoke in Halogenated Polymers -- Flame Retardants: Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) and Silicon Compounds -- Flame Retardants: Synergisms Involving Halogens -- Flame Retardants: Tin Compounds -- Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers: Introduction -- Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers: Recent Developments -- Hollow Microspheres -- Impact Modifiers: (1) Mechanisms and Applications in Thermoplastics -- Impact Modifiers: (2) Modifiers for Engineering Thermoplastics -- Impact Modifiers: (3) Their Incorporation in Epoxy Resins -- Impact Modifiers: (4) Organic Toughening Agents for Epoxy Resins -- Impact Modifiers: (5) Modifiers for Unsaturated Polyester and Vinyl Ester Resins -- Light and UV Stabilization of Polymers -- Low Profile Additives in Thermoset Composites -- Lubricating Systems for Rigid PVC -- Metallic Soaps - see Lubricating Systems for Rigid PVC Mica -- Nucleating Agents for Thermoplastics -- Optical Brighteners -- Paper for Resin Bonded Paper Laminates -- Pigments for Plastics -- Piperidine Compounds - see Light and UV Stabilization of Polymers Plasticizers -- Plasticizers: Health Aspects -- Polymer Additives - the Miscibility of Blends -- Processing Aids: Fluoropolymers to Improve the Conversion of Polyolefins -- Processing Aids for Vinyl Foam -- Recycled Plastics: Additives and their Effect on Properties -- Reinforcing Fibres -- Release Agents -- Rice Husk Ash -- Scorch Inhibitors for Flexible Polyurethanes -- Silicon Compounds, Silicates - see Fillers and Flame Retardants: Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) and Silicon Compounds and Coupling Agents Smoke Suppressants -- Surface-Modified Rubber Particles for Polyurethanes -- Surface Treatments for Particulate Fillers in Plastics -- Surfactants: Applications in Plastics -- Surfactants: the Principles.
Although plastics are extremely successful commercially, they would never reach acceptable performance standards either in properties or processing without the incorporation of additives. With the inclusion of additives, plastics can be used in a variety of areas competing directly with other materials, but there are still many challenges to overcome. Some additives are severely restricted by legislation, others interfere with each other-in short their effectiveness varies with circumstances. Plastics Additives explains these issues in an alphabetical format making them easily accessible to readers, enabling them to find specific information on a specific topic. Each additive is the subject of one or more articles, providing a suffinct account of each given topic. An international group of experts in additive and polymer science, from many world class companies and institutes, explain the recent rapid changes in additive technology. They cover novel additives (scorch inhibitors, compatibilizers, surface-modified particulates etc.), the established varieties (antioxidants, biocides, antistatic agents, nucleating agents, fillers, fibres, impact modifiers, plasticizers) and many others, the articles also consider environmental concerns, interactions between additives and legislative change. With a quick reference guide and introductory articles that provide the non-specialist and newcomer with relevant information, this reference book is essential reading for anyone concerned with plastics and additives.