NATO ASI Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences,
1389-2185 ;
1. Path Spaces, Continuous Tensor Products, and E0-Semigroups -- 2. Some General Theory of Operator Algebras and their Modules -- 3. Polynomially Bounded Operators, a Survey -- 4. Operator Analogues of Locally Convex Spaces -- 5. Basis Theory and Operator Algebras -- 6. Reflexivity, Supports and Spectral Synthesis -- 7. Geometric Aspects of the theory of Nest Algebras -- 8. Finitely-presented C*-algebras -- 9. von Neumann Algebras and Wavelets -- 10. A Finite Dimensional Introduction to Operator Algebra -- 11. The Pythagoreans: From Harmony to the Irrational -- 12. Relative Yoneda Cohomology for Operator Spaces: an Overview -- 13. Partly Self-adjoint Limit Algebras -- 14. Operator Algebras over C* -correspondences -- 15. Conditional Expectations and Projection Maps of von Neuman Algebras.
During the last few years, the theory of operator algebras, particularly non-self-adjoint operator algebras, has evolved dramatically, experiencing both international growth and interfacing with other important areas. The present volume presents a survey of some of the latest developments in the field in a form that is detailed enough to be accessible to advanced graduate students as well as researchers in the field. Among the topics treated are: operator spaces, Hilbert modules, limit algebras, reflexive algebras and subspaces, relations to basis theory, C* algebraic quantum groups, endomorphisms of operator algebras, conditional expectations and projection maps, and applications, particularly to wavelet theory. The volume also features an historical paper offering a new approach to the Pythagoreans' discovery of irrational numbers.
Springer eBooks
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, `Aegean Conference on Operator Algebras and Applications', Pythagorio, Samos, Greece, August 19-28, 1996