1. Introduction -- 1.1. Early Ideas -- 1.2. Trumpler's Method of Estimating Interstellar Extinction -- 1.3. The First Colour Measurements -- 1.4. The Oort Limit -- 1.5. Data Relating to Interstellar Clouds -- 1.6. Correlation Between Gas and Dust Clouds -- 1.7. Composition of Grains -- 2. Electromagnetic Properties of Small Particles -- 2.1. Homogeneous Spherical Particles -- 2.2. Composite Spheres -- 2.3. Infinite Cylinders -- 2.4. Rayleigh Scattering by Ellipsiods -- 2.5. Heterogeneous or Porous Grains -- 2.6. Absorption Cross-sections, Bulk Absorption Coefficient and Emissivity -- 2.7. Two Special Cases -- 3. Interstellar Extinction and Polarisation -- 3.1. Equation of Transfer -- 3.2. Observations of Interstellar Extinction, Definition of Colour Indices and Colour Excesses -- 3.3. Observations of Interstellar Polarisation -- 3.4. Diffuse Interstellar Bands -- 4. Reflection Nebulae and the Diffuse Galactic Light -- 4.1. Introductory Remarks -- 4.2. Apparent Size of Reflection Nebulae -- 4.3. Observations of NGC 7023 -- 4.4. Observations of Reflection Nebula Around Merope -- 4.5. Multiple Scattering Models of Reflection Nebulae -- 4.6. Diffuse Galactic Light -- 5 Interactions between Dust, Gas and Radiation -- 5.1.Introductory Remarks -- 5.2. Grain Temperatures for Sandard Grains -- 5.3.Temperature Spikes in Very Small Grains -- 5.4.Electrostatic Gharge on Grains -- 5.5.Rotation of Grains -- 5.6.Radio Waves from Grains -- 5.7.Molecule Formation -- 5.8. Growth and Destruction of Grains -- 5.9. Effects of Radiation Pressure -- 5.10. Gyration About the Magnetic Field -- 5.11. Alignment of Grains -- 5.12. Depletion of Elements from the Gas Phase -- 6. Inorganic Theories of Grain Formation -- 6.1. Interstellar Condensation -- 6.2. Condensation of Graphite Grains -- 6.3. Condensation of Grains in Cool Oxygen-rich Giant Stars -- 6.4. Core-mantle Grains -- 7. The Organic Grain Model -- 7.1. Introductory Remarks -- 7.2. Polymerisation of Formaldehyde -- 7.3. From Formaldehyde to Polysacharides -- 7.4. Polysacharide Formation in Stellar Mass Flows -- 7.5. HAC, PAH and QCC Models -- 7.6. Fischer Tropsch Reactions in the Gas Phase -- 7.7. The Biological Grain Model -- 8. Models of the Extinction and Polarisation of Starlight -- 8.1. Introduction -- 8.2. The Visual Extinction Curve -- 8.3. The Ultraviolet Extinction Curve: Extinction Curves for Graphite Grains -- 8.4. Polarisation Constraints -- 8.5. An Organic/Biologic Grain Model -- 8.6. Analysis of a Biological Grain Model -- 8.7. Refinements to Biological Extinction Model -- 9. Spectroscopic Identifications -- 9.1. Introduction -- 9.2. The 8 - 13[micro]m Features in Astronomy -- 9.3. The 8 - 40[micro]m Flux from the Trapezium Nebula -- 9.4. The 3.4[micro]m Band: Proof that Grains are Mainly Organic -- 9.5. Modelling the 2.9 - 4[micro]m IR Data for GC-IRS7 -- 9.6. How Much Water - Ice? -- 9.7. Sources with Spectra in the 2 - 14[micro]m Waveband -- 9.8. Evidence for PAH -- 9.9. Aromatic Molecules and the Diffuse Optical Bands -- 10. Dust in External Galaxies -- 10.1. Introduction -- 10.2. The Magellanic Clouds: LMC and SMC -- 10.3. M82 and Other Galaxies -- 10.4. Particles of High Infrared Emissivity -- 10.5. The Ejection of Iron Whiskers from Galaxies -- 10.6. The Microwave Background.
Light scattering and absorption by small homogeneous particles can be worked-out exactly for spheres and infinite cylinders. Homogeneous particles of irregular shapes, when averaged with respect to rotation, have effects that can in general be well-approximated by reference to results for these two idealised cases. Likewise, small inhomogeneous particles have effects similar to homogeneous particles of the same average refractive index. Thus most problems can be solved to a satisfactory approximation by reference to the exact solutions for spheres and cylinders, which are fully stated here in the early part of the book. The sum of scattering and absorption, the extinction, is too large to be explained by inorganic materials, provided element abundances in the interstellar medium are not appreciably greater than solar, H 0 and NH3 being essentially excluded in the 2 general medium, otherwise very strong absorptions near 3p,m would be observed which they are not. A well-marked extinction maximum in the ultraviolet near 2200A has also not been explained satisfactorily by inorganic materials. Accurately formed graphite spheres with radii close to O.02p,m could conceivably provide an explanation of this ultraviolet feature but no convincing laboratory preparation of such spheres has ever been achieved.