Static and Dynamic Properties of the Polymeric Solid State
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, held at Glasgow, U.K., September 6-18,1981 /
edited by R. A. Pethrick, R. W. Richards.
Dordrecht :
Springer Netherlands,
NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series, Series C - Mathematical and Physical Sciences,
1389-2185 ;
The Polymeric Solid State -- Chain Statistics of Amorphous Polymers -- Lectures on Polymer Dynamics -- Structural Studies on Crystalline Polymers -- Small Angle Light Scattering from the Polymeric Solid State -- Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) by Amorphous Polymers -- The Mechanical Properties and Structure of Oriented Polymers -- Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Amorphous Polymers -- Dielectric Relaxation of Solid Polymers -- Acoustic Studies of Polymers -- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Solid Polymers: An Introduction -- Local Molecular Motions in Bulk Polymers as Studied by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) -- Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering from Polymer Systems -- Quasielastic and Inelastic Neutron Scattering -- Luminescence Polarization Methods for Studying Molecular Mobility and Orientation in Bulk Polymers -- Infrared and Raman Studies of the Polymeric Solid State -- Seminars -- An Order-Disorder Theory of Stress Strain Behaviour of Glassy Polymers -- On the Adsorption of a Polymer Chain -- Small Angle Neutron Scattering from Styrene-Isoprene Block Copolymers -- Small Angle Neutron Scattering Studies of Polymer Dimensions in Binary Blends -- Inelastic & Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Studies of Polymethyl Methacrylate.
This volume contains the major portion of the material given at the NATO Advanced Study Institute, held at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. , September 6th-18th, 1981. The original idea germin ated in a conversation between the organisers on a cold December night in 1978 in the depths of the Oxfordshire countryside. At that time we felt that the chemical physics of macromolecules in the solid state was running on two parallel tracks, namely structure and dynamics. The contact between the two appeared to be slight. We were also concerned that the degree of srecial knowledge now required for any one technique essentially prevented people from learning the important features of other investigation methods. Consequently, we have attempted to bring together leading authorities on both structural and dynamic properties of solid polymers in the hope that the combination of both types of discussion will be synergistic. The choice of main subjects is our own and we are aware that some areas have been omitted. HOvlever, to be comprehensive would have made an already large volume enormous. Y'Je therefore chose to concentrate on what were, in our opinion, the major areas. Nonetheless, it is apparent that much ori~inal material appears here, especially in those contri butions which are more theoretical in concent, the full experimental iMnlications of which have yet to be investigated.
Springer eBooks
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Glasgow, U.K., September 6-18, 1981