50 Years of Studia Logica: Editorial Introduction -- Polish Logic in Postwar Period -- Fifty Years: Changes and Constants in Logic -- Generalized Matrices in Abstract Algebraic Logic -- Intensional Logic - Beyond First Order -- Questions of Canonicity -- ?ukasiewicz Logic and Chang's MV Algebras in Action -- Substructural Logics and Residuated Lattices - an Introduction -- Quantum Computational Logics: A Survey -- Inconsistent Arithmetics: Issues Technical and Philosophical -- Inconsistency-tolerant Description Logic: Motivation and Basic Systems -- Type Logics in Grammar.
In 1953, exactly 50 years ago to this day, the first volume of Studia Logica appeared under the auspices of The Philosophical Committee of The Polish Academy of Sciences. Now, five decades later the present volume is dedicated to a celebration of this 50th Anniversary of Studia Logica. The volume features a series of papers by distinguished scholars reflecting both the aim and scope of this journal for symbolic logic. The Anniversary volume offers contributions from J. van Benthem, W. Buszkowski, M.L. Dalla Chiara, M. Fitting, J.M. Font, R. Giuntini, R. Goldblatt, V. Marra, D. Mundici, R. Leporini, S.P. Odintsov, H. Ono, G. Priest, H. Wansing, V.R. Wojcicki and J. Zygmunt.