1. Structure of Turbulent Diffusion Flames -- 1.1 Introduction of Turbulent Diffusion Flame Structures -- 1.2 Optical Measurement of Flame Structure Analysis -- 1.3 Effect of Surrounding Gas Motion on Turbulent Diffusion Flames -- 1.4 Visualization of Turbulent Diffusion Flame Surface -- 1.5 Colorimetric Analysis of Turbulent Flames -- 2. Modeling of Turbulent Diffusion Flames -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Modelling of Turbulent Diffusion Flames -- 2.3 A Lagrangian Stochastic Model for Non-Premixed Reacting Flows -- 2.4 Estimation of Combustion Models -- 2.5 Simulation of the Vortex Generation and Mixing Process in Gas Jets -- 2.6 Laminarization Due to Combustion and Its Modeling -- 2.7 Simulation of Mixing and Combustion in Swirling Flames -- 2.8 Modeling of Spray Combustion of Slurry Fuels -- 3. Spray Formation and Combustion -- 3.1 Diagnostics -- 3.2 Spray and Ignition -- 3.3 Spray Combustion -- 4. Kinetics -- 4.1 Chemical Kinetics and Modeling of Combustion -- 4.2 The Rate Constants of Elementary Combustion Reactions and Empirical Rate Laws -- 4.3 Combustion and Oxidation Mechanism of Aromatic Compounds -- 4.4 Applications of Simulation Work to Some Combustion Problems -- 4.5 Applications of Modeling Study to Combustible Gas Flow -- 5. Soot Formation Fundamentals -- 5.1 Overview and Characterization of Soot -- 5.2 Detailed Mechanism and Modeling of Soot Formation -- 5.3 Nucleation and Carbon Clustering -- 5.4 Prediction of Soot and Soot Precursors -- 5.5 Growth and Destruction of Soot Particles -- 6. Emissions and Heat Transfer in Combustion Systems -- 6.1 General -- 6.2 Fuel Pyrolysis and Fuel-Air Mixing in the Diesel Combustion Process. -- 6.3 Particulate Formation in Compression-Ignited Mixtures -- 6.4 Surrounding Gas Effects on Soot Formation and Oxidation Process in Spray Combustion -- 6.5 Characteristics of Opposed Spray Combustion -- 6.6 Heat Transfer in Exothermic Turbulent Thermal Boundary Layers -- 6.7 Heat Transfer Measurements in Combustion Systems -- 6.8 Simulation of Radiative Heat Transfer in Flames -- 7. Effects of Fuel Properties in Combustion Systems.. -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Basic Studies of Fuel Effects on Combustion -- 7.3 Application of Extremely Light and Heavy Fuels for Engines -- 8. New Approaches to Controlling Combustion -- 8.1 Combustion Control Based on Electrical Aspects -- 8.2 Magnetic Field Effect on Combustion Reactions -- 8.3 Catalytic Combustion - Roles of Catalyst -- List of Authors.
Non-uniform combustion, as encountered in diesel and gas turbine engines, furnaces, and boilers, is responsible for the conversion of fossil fuel to energy and also for the corresponding formation of pollutants. In spite of great research efforts in the past, the mechanism of non-uniform combustion has remained less explored than that of other combustion types, since it consists of many, mostly transient processes which influence each other. In view of this background, a group research project, "Exploration of Combustion Mechanism", was established to explore the mechanism of combustion, especially that of diffusive combustion, and also to find efficient ways to control the combustion process for better utilization of fuel and the reduction of pollutant emission. The group research was started, after preparatory activity of 2 years, in April 1988, for a period of 3 years, as a project with a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Priority Area subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan. The entire group of 43 members was set up as an organizing committee of 13 members, and five research groups, consisting of 36 members. The research groups were: (1) Steady combustion, (2) Unsteady spray combustion, (3) Control of combustion, (4) Chemistry of combustion, and (5) Effects of fuels. At the beginning of the project it was agreed that we should pursue the mechanism of combustion from a scientific viewpoint, namely, the target of the project was to obtain the fundamentals, or "know why", rather than "know how" of combustion.