Nucleon-Nucleon and Nucleon-Antinucleon Interactions
edited by H. Mitter, W. Plessas.
Vienna :
Springer Vienna,
Acta Physica Austriaca, Supplementum,
0177-8811 ;
Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction below 1 GeV -- Skyrine Solitons and Low-Energy Hadronic Physics -- Nucleon-Antinucleon Experiments at LEAR Energies -- Mechanisms for Nucleon-Antinucleon Annihilation -- Nuclear Physics from the Quark Model with Chromodynamics -- Results from Experiments at the CERN Antiproton-Proton Collider -- QCD in High-Energy Proton-Proton and Proton- Antiproton Collisions -- Composite Quarks and Leptons -- A Consistent Meson-Exchange Model for the NN Interaction -- Antinucleon- Nucleon Interaction in a Coupled-Channel Approach with Separable Potentials -- SU(3) Analysis of p$ $\rm\bar{p}$ $ Decays into Two Mesons -- Antiproton-Nucleus Scattering and Its Relation to Antinucleon-Nucleon Potential -- An Optical Model from the Multi- Channel Finite-Rank Potential -- Nuclear Saturation in a Relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Approach -- Interaction and Structure of Nucleons in Deuterium -- Selected Topics in the EMC Effect -- Properties of SU(3) Skyrmion -- Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in the Framework of Lattice QCD -- The Local Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo Method in 1 + 1 Dimensions Applied to Field-Theoretic Lattice Models -- Chiral Gauge Theory and Lattice Regularization -- Polarization Effect of p Produced in $ $\rm\bar{p}$ $p Interactions at 5.7, 12 and 22.4 GeV/c -- The Decay of Heavy Quarks.
This volume contains the Proceedings of the "XXIV. Inter nationale Universitatswochen fur Kernphysik" held in Schlad ming, Austria, in February 1985. It consists of the written versions of the lectures (3-4 hours) given at this winter school and includes also most of the seminars (30-50 minutes) presented. In choosing the topic for the 1985 meeting, our aim was to give an account of the present understanding of the nucleon-nucleon as well as nucleon-antinucleon inter actions. This field, which is of definite relevance in nuclear and particle physics, has witnessed a rapid develop ment in recent times both in theory and experiment. New evidence has emerged in the whole range from low to extremely high energies. It was an exciting experience to bring to gether knowledge from the very domains of nuclear and high energy physics as well as to meet the respective researchers. Thanks to the efforts of the lecturers, who did a splendid job in presenting the lectures and in preparing their lecture notes, a comprehensive insight into the hadronic interaction between nucleons and anti-nucleons was achieved. The lecture notes were reconsidered by the authors after the meeting and are now being published in their final form. The seminars mainly dealt with specific topics currently under investiga tion within this rather wide field. We are grateful to all authors for their efforts, as they made it possible to speed up the publication of these proceedings.