From the contents: The Woodward-Hoffmann Rules in Perspective -- Symmetry and Energy: Atoms and Atomic Orbitals -- Diatomic Molecules and their Molecular Orbitals -- Formation and Deformation of Polyatomic Molecules -- The Classical Thermal Reactions: Electrocyclic Reactions and Related Rearrangements -- Cycloadditions and Cycloreversions -- Degenerate Rearrangements -- Spin and Photochemistry: Electron Spin -- Excited State Reactions -- Into Inorganic Chemistry.
Criteria of orbital symmetry conservation had a profound influence on mechanistic thinking in organic chemistry and are still commonly applied today. The author presents a coherent set of operational rules for the analysis of scope and reliability. It is written from the viewpoint of Orbital Correspondence Analysis in Maximum Symmetry (OCAMS). Its advantage lies in its provision of a coherent overview of the relation between symmetry and mechanism. For reasons of consistency, the book remains within the framework of molecular orbital theory.