IGCP-Project 233, Terranes In The Circum-Atlantic Paleozoic Orogens
From the contents: Geophysical characteristics -- Stratigraphy, Structure, Igneous Activity, Metallogenesis of the Rhenohercynian Fold Belt -- Lithological characteristics, Structure, Igneous Activity, Metamorphic Evolution, Metallogenesis of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise -- Stratigraphy, Structure, Igneous Activity, Metamorphic Evolution, Metallogenesis of the Saxo-Thuringian Basin -- Stratigraphy, Structure, Igneous Activity, Metamorphic Evolution, Metallogenesis of the Western Sudetes -- Stratigraphy, Structure, Igneous Activity, Metamorphic Evolution, Metallogenesis of the Moldanubian Region and the Moravo-Silesian Zone -- The North Variscan Foreland -- Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Paleogeographic Evolution of Europe During the Paleozoic -- Geodynamic Evolution.
This book presents the first systematic English review of the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the various regional tectonic elements which comprise the central European orogens. Recent political changes have permitted authors from all central European countries, to contribute to this work, thus providing access to previously unavailable material. Each major tectonic element is systematically described in terms of its stratigraphic, structural, igneous, metamorphic and economic evolution. Each section is thoroughly referenced, thus providing an invaluable introduction to the geological complexity of the region. Introductory chapters provide the required regional geophysical and tectonic overviews.