Contents: The Search for Concealed Continental Basement Beneath the Margins and Coastal Basins of the North Atlantic: Methods and Motives -- The Submerged Part of the Laurentian Basement: Former Western Margin of the Iapetus Ocean -- The Submerged Part of the Caledonian-Appalachian Mobile Belt -- The Avalon Spur; Former Southern Margin of the Iapetus Ocean and Northern Border of the Theic Ocean -- The Submerged Part of the Ligerian (Eo-Hercynian) - Acadian Mobile Belt -- The Concealed Pre-Hercynian Basement Between Africa and North America -- The Submerged Part of the Hercynian-Alleghanian Foldbelt on the North Atlantic Margins -- Tectonic Mechanisms Contributing to the Structure of Pangaea -- List of References -- Index.
Major structural features are used in this study to reconstruct the links which existed between North America, Europe and Africa before the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean. The synthesis of geophysical and geochemical data as well as geological observations allows the recognition of the original geometry of the Grenvillian, Cadomian, Caledonian, Ligerian-Acadian and Hercynian foldbelts and the identification of ancient plate sutures. The reader will find a wealth of information based not only on the English but also on the French and Spanish literature, thus opening less known results to the international community.