Mathematical Foundations of Computational Engineering
A Handbook /
by Peter Jan Pahl, Rudolf Damrath.
Berlin, Heidelberg :
Imprint: Springer,
Logic -- Set Theory -- Algebraic Structures -- Ordinal Structures -- topological Structures -- Number System -- Groups -- Graphs -- Tensors -- Stochastics -- Index.-.
o.Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Jan Pahl is an expert in the field of computational engineering, with international activities. He is proposed President of the International Society on Computing in Civil and Structural Engineering. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Damrath worked with Professor Pahl for over 20 years and is now international renown himself. They both worked on fundamental topics in computational engineering, especially for numerical applications in civil and structural engineering. This book serves as a comprehensive handbook, bringing the fundamental mathematics of engineering computation into a suitable order for specific engineering purposes, showing their siginificance for typical applications. The relevant definitions, notations and theories are presented in a durable form which is independent of the fast development of information technology.