Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics X
Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop Athens, GA, USA, February 24-28, 1997 /
edited by David P. Landau, K. K. Mon, Heinz-Bernd Schüttler.
Berlin, Heidelberg :
Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
Springer Proceedings in Physics,
0930-8989 ;
Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics An Introduction -- I Classical Systems -- Monte Carlo Approaches to Universal Finite-Size Scaling Functions -- Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces: A Continuum Simulation Approach -- Monte Carlo Simulation of Langmuir Monolayer Models -- Cluster Simulation of Lattice Gases -- Computer Simulations of Fracture in Disordered Visco-Elastic Systems -- II Quantum Systems -- Quantum Phase Transitions in Random Magnets -- Metal-Insulator Transitions in Strongly Correlated Systems -- Quantum Zero-Point Critical Fluctuations in Arrays of Ultrasmall Josephson Junctions -- The Effect of Randomness on Long-Range Order in the Two-dimensional Half-filled Hubbard Model -- Quantum Critical Exponents of a Planar Antiferromagnet -- III Contributed Papers -- Fragmentation Scaling of the Percolation Cluster -- Magnons in Heisenberg Chains with Random ±J Nearest-Neighbor Interactions -- Eight-State Potts Model on the Quasiperiodic Octagonal Tiling: Free Boundary Effects -- Generalized Ensemble Simulation of Peptides and Proteins -- Monte Carlo Studies of Surface-Induced Ordering in Cu3Au-Type Alloy Models -- An Inherent-Structures Study of Two-Dimensional Melting -- Monte Carlo Simulation on Aging Phenomena in the SK Spin-Glass Model: Temperature Dependence of the Time Evolution of Energy -- Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking in 2D Aggregation -- Interactive Modeling of Granular Flow -- Numerical Study of a Random Gauge XY Model -- Perpendicular Order in Frustrated Magnetic Layers -- Simulation of Polymers Using the Ellipsoidal Model -- Microcanonical Transfer Matrix and Yang-Lee Zeros of the Q-State Potts Model -- Roughening Transitions in HCP Lattices -- Spin Patterns in the Three-Dimensional Chiral Clock Model -- The Critical Region in Finite-Sized Systems -- Projected Dynamics for Metastable Decay in Ising Models -- Short-Time-Scaling Behavior of Growing Interfaces -- Scaling Behavior of the 2D XY Model Revisited -- A Chemical Picture of the Dissociation and Thermodynamics of Dense Fluid Hydrogen -- Index of Contributors.
Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics X is devoted to Prof. Masuo Suzuki' s ideas, which have made novel, new simulations possible. These proceedings, of the 1997 workshop, comprise three parts that deal with new algorithms, methods of analysis, and conceptual developments. The first part contains invited papers that deal with simulational studies of classical systems. The second part of the proceedings is devoted to invited papers on quantum systems, including new results for strongly correlated electron and quantum spin models. The final part contains a large number of contributed presentations.