Basic Theory, Production and Detection of Thermal Energy Beams /
by Hans Pauly.
Berlin, Heidelberg :
Imprint: Springer,
Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics,
1615-5653 ;
1. The Role of Molecular Beams in the 20th Century -- 1.1 Historical Development -- 1.2 Main Applications of Molecular Beams -- 1.3 Thermal Energy Molecular Beam Applications in other Fields -- 1.4 Fast Beam Applications -- 1.5 Examples of Molecular Beam Machines -- 2. Fundamentals of Kinetic Gas Theory -- 2.1 Ideal Gases in Thermodynamic Equilibrium -- 2.1.1 The Maxwellian Velocity Distribution -- 2.2 Quantum Statistics -- 2.3 Molecular Flow Through an Ideal Aperture -- 2.4 Molecular Flow Through Channels -- 3. Fundamental Principles of Gas Dynamics -- 3.1 Some Fundamentals of Thermodynamics -- 3.2 Governing Equations of Steady Flow -- 3.3 One-Dimensional Flow -- 3.4 Two-Dimensional Flow -- 3.5 Free-Jet Expansion -- 3.6 The Transition to Nonequilibrium Conditions -- 3.7 Internal Energy Relaxation -- 3.8 Binary Gas Mixtures -- 3.9 Condensation and Cluster Formation -- 4. Thermal Energy Molecular Beam Sources -- 4.1 Experimental Requirements -- 4.2 Gas Sources (4-600 K) -- 4.3 Ovens for Gases and Solids -- 4.4 Laser Ablation -- 4.5 Sputtering Sources -- 4.6 Recirculating Sources and Sources for Special Applications -- 4.7 Sources for Beams of Radicals -- 4.8 Production of Metastable Particles -- 4.9 Rydberg Atoms -- 4.10 Pulsed Beam Sources -- 4.11 Sources of Slow and Cold Atoms -- 5. Detection Methods -- 5.1 Accumulation Detectors -- 5.2 Momentum Detectors -- 5.3 Special Vacuum Gauges -- 5.4 Surface Ionization (Langmuir-Taylor Detector) -- 5.5 Field Ionization -- 5.6 Universal Molecular Beam Detector -- 5.7 Thermal Detectors -- 5.8 Detection of Metastable Particles -- 5.9 Spectroscopic Detection Methods -- References.
HanDy any other expenmental method has resulted 10 so much depth of knowl edge and fundamental mslghts 10 the phYSICS and chemlstry of the 20th century as has the molecular beam method Its successful apphcatlOns can be traced 10 many and even diStant branches of these SClences Although many reVIew artlcles about the experlffiental techmques and therr deployment to solve problems in various fields have been written, the number of "textbooks" has stayed low After the first, small monograph by Ronald Fraser (1931, 1937) ("Molecular Rays"), outl101Og the baslcs of the then current tech nologles and the results of early 1Ovestlgahons, WhlCh was revlsed and updated 10 the 1950s by Kenneth F. Srruth (1955) ("Molecular Beams"), the book by Norman F. Ramsey (1956) ("Molecular Beams") appeared It comprehenslVely descnbed the then current status of the techmques and gave an excellent survey of the molecular beam resonance method, lts foundatlOns, and the results obtamed so far ThlS book, repnnted unrevlsed after almost thlrty years, lS wtthout doubt counted as one ofthe great standard works ofmodem phYSICS When Ramsey's book appeared, the area was already 10 astate of change Whlle molecular beam work had concentrated for twenty years on the resonance method, other shll open problems were now belOg plcked up, especlally questlOns fundamental to cherrustry, where It became posslble for the first time to study ele mentary reachons 10 lsolated, s10gle colhsl0ns In 1973, Fluendy and Lawley summanzed thlS partlcular aspect and the then current progress 10 expenmental