1 Particles and Interactions: An Overview -- 2 Boson Fields -- 3 Fermion Fields -- 4 Collisions and Decays -- 5 Discrete Symmetries -- 6 Hadrons and Isospin -- 7 Quarks and SU(3) Symmetry -- 8 Gauge Field Theories -- 9 The Standard Model of the Electroweak Interaction -- 10 Electron-Nucleon Scattering -- 11 Neutral K Mesons and CP Violation -- 12 The Neutrinos -- 13 Muon and Tau Lepton Decays -- 14 One-Loop QCD Corrections -- 15 Asymptotic Freedom in QCD -- 16 Heavy Flavors -- 17 Status and Perspectives of the Standard Model -- Selected Solutions -- Appendix: Useful Formulas -- A.1 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics -- A.2 Cross-Sections and Decay Rates -- A.3 Phase Space and Loop Integrals -- A.4 Feynman Rules -- A.5 Parameters of the Standard Model.
Elementary Particles and Their Interactions. Concepts and Phenomena presents a well-written and thorough introduction to this field at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level. Students familiar with quantum mechanics, special relativity and classical electrodynamics will find easy access to modern particle physics and a rich source of illustrative examples, figures, tables, and problems with selected solutions. Further references guide the reader through the literature. This text should become a standard reference to particle physics and will be useful to students and lecturers alike.