The Spatial Framework, the Concepts of Aridity and Drought -- Resources Vs. Hydrological and Aeolian Constraints -- Human Genius - The Search for Water and Its Management Battle Against The Wind -- From Ingenuity to Decadence: Geohistory of an Actual Decline.
At the intersection of environmental science and human biology this book deals with dry ecosystems - aridity, droughts, wind and its influence on soils and regulation - the societies affected by these ecosystems, and the inventiveness of those living under these conditions. These environments are the basis of nomad existence, of irrigated agriculture and of the first civilisations dependent on streams. Changes in the modern epoch, the ever-increasing technology and demographic development show that environmental degradation and the socio-economic situation cannot be explained by just one factor. This book tries to answer the question whether long-lasting development is possible in dry environments.