1. Introduction -- 2. The Impact Pathway Methodology -- 3. Emission Calculation -- 4. Atmospheric Transport Modelling -- 5. Health Effects -- 6. Impacts on Building Materials -- 7. Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems -- 8. Economic Valuation, Sustainability Indicators and Alternative Assessment Techniques -- 9. Global Warming -- 10. Treatment of Up-and Downstream Processes -- 11. Uncertainty -- 12. Quantification of Total and Average Externalities (Aggregation) -- 13. Marginal Costs -- 14. Aggregated Costs -- 15. Policy Case Studies -- 16. Summary.
Transport causes a wide range of damage to human health, ecosystems and materials. This damage should be taken into account when making decisions, i.e. it should be reflected in the prices for transport. The damagae caused by cars, planes, ships and trains should be calculated and transformed into monetary values - so called external costs. In this book we endeavour to evaluate the external costs stemming from the emissions of atmospheric pollutants caused by transport, including damage from greenhouse gases, fine particles, ozone, nitrous oxides and benzene as well as other carciogenic substances, so as to be able to calculate the external costs of a huge number of current and future modes of transport operating in different locations all over Europe. The results offer an important basis for assessing modes of transport, discussing transport taxes and charges and implementing green accounting.