1 Introduction -- 2 SAR basic -- 3 SAR-signal processing -- 4 Signal processing algorithms -- 5 Interferometry -- 6 Summary and perspectives -- 7 Essentials -- A- Determination of the rectangular in the frequency domain -- A- Case discrimination -- A- Solution of the inequality -- A- Summary of the position of the rectangular function -- A-3.4.2 Point target spectrum in the two-dimensional frequency domain -- List of symbols.
Written for students, remote sensing specialists, researchers and SAR system designers, this practical new reference shows you how to produce quality SAR images with respect to interferometrical applications using different algorithms. Processing of SAR Data shows how SAR imagery is formed, how interferometry SAR images are created, and gives you a detailed mathematical description of different focussing algorithms with special emphasis in interferomtery. The book describes in a comprehensive manner new methods and algorithms for interferometric processing of SAR data. It provides a general description with strong emphasis on system and signal theory. In this context a study is presented which derives a new, nonlinear, two-dimensional, space-variant SAR processing algorithm. A comparison is presented of different SAR focussing algorithms by making use of a uniform starting point, the two-dimensional point target spectrum. With regard to subpixel accuracy, a method is introduced for the co-registration process. Based on the geometrical effects of the side looking geometry, computationally efficient algorithms are developed to correct foreshortening, shadowing and layover. Based on a method of automatically generating reference heights, the outfinal SAR data product is geocoded.