Design of concrete structures using high-strength steel reinforcement
Bahram M. Shahrooz ... [et al.].
Washington, D.C. :
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council,
1 online resource (72 p.) :
NCHRP report,
0077-5614 ;
"Research sponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration."
Includes bibliographical references (p. 64-67).
Ch. 1. Background -- Ch. 2. Research Program and Findings -- Research Approach -- Mechanical Properties of Reinforcing Steel --- Flexural Reinforcement -- Fatigue Performance of High-Strength Reinforcing Steel -- Shear Reinforcement -- Shear Friction -- Compression Members -- Bond and Anchorage -- Serviceability Considerations -- Ch. 3. Recommendations, Conclusions, and Suggested Research -- Summary of AASHTO LRFD Clauses Having Recommended Changes -- Conclusions -- Recommended Research.
TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 679: Design of Concrete Structures Using High-Strength Steel Reinforcement evaulates the existing American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications relevant to the use of high-strength reinforcing steel and other grades of reinforcing steel having no discernible yield plateau. The report also includes recommended language to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications that will permit the use of high-strength reinforcing steel with specified yield strengths not greater than 100 ksi. The Appendixes to NCHRP Report 679 were published online.
Reinforced concrete construction.
Strains and stresses.
Structural design.
reinforcement (engineering)
Shahrooz, Bahram M.
United States., Federal Highway Administration.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Knovel (Firm)
National Cooperative Highway Research Program.
National Research Council (U.S.)., Transportation Research Board.