Mathcad is a computer-aided design platform with calculation, graphing, text formatting and reporting capabilities which can be used to transcribe engineering content into engineering solutions. Theses worksheets can be used as templates for solving typical problems encountered in power engineering applications. Each worksheet includes a description of the problem, a description of the application, schematics where applicable, an input section, a list of computed variables, and a section for calculations. These worksheets have been developed as general-purpose tools that illustrate a variety of useful Mathcad techniques and are available in US Customary and Metric units for Mathcad 14 and 15.
"Mathematics and Motion; This section contains Mathcad worksheets intended for interactive learning of different concepts in math and mechanics, such as solving algebraic and differential equations, plotting, performing statistical analysis and much more. Steam Generation; As a member of the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, Prof. Ochkov created a number of Mathcad worksheets pertaining to thermodynamic cycles in power engineering with water and steam as the working fluids. Water Treatment; Being an expert in the field of water preparation, the author offers in this section a number of files related to water preparation in the power industry. Power Engineering - Thermodynamics; This section features a number of Mathcad calculations pertaining to thermodynamics in power engineering and offers extensive coverage of properties of water, steam, ethanol, refrigerants, and gases, including entropy, enthalpy, heat capacities and critical point data. Properties of Metals; Worksheets for the calculation of thermal conductivity and quasistatic Young's Modulus as a function of temperature are included for a range of metals and metal alloys."--Pref.
"The Knovel Power Engineering Worksheets are a collection of over 370 worksheets specific to power production. Enabled by Mathcad, they provide functionality as engineering solutions for use in a host of applications relevant to power generation and engineering. The following areas are covered in detail: Mathematics and motion; Steam generation; Water treatment; Thermodynamics of gases, water and steam, ethanol; Thermal conductivity, and Quasistatic Young's Modulus of metals and alloys."--Knovel description.