American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
AIAA education series
Rev. and expanded ed. of: Fundamentals of aircraft design / Leland M. Nicolai. 1975.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
v. 1. Aircraft design. Introduction ; Review of practical aerodynamics ; Aircraft performance methods ; Aircraft operating envelope ; Preliminary estimate of takeoff weight ; Estimating the takeoff wing loading ; Selecting the planform and airfoil section ; Preliminary fuselage sizing and design ; High-lift devices ; Takeoff and landing analysis ; Preliminary sizing of the vertical and horizontal tails ; Designing for survivability (stealth) ; Estimating wing-body aerodynamics ; Propulsion system fundamentals ; Turbine engine inlet design ; Corrections for turbine engine installation ; Propeller propulsion systems ; Propulsion system thrust sizing ; Structures and materials ; Refined weight estimate ; Static stability and control ; Trim drag and maneuvering flight ; Control surface sizing criteria ; Life cycle cost ; Trade studies and sizing -- Appendix A : Conversions -- Appendix B : Atmospheric data -- Appendix C : Isentropic compressible flow functions -- Appendix D : Normal shock functions for a perfect gas -- Appendix E : Plane oblique and conical shocks -- Appendix F : NACA airfoil nomenclature and data -- Appendix G : Aerodynamic data of real aircraft -- Appendix H : Aerodynamics of wing-body combinations -- Appendix I : Aircraft weights data -- Appendix J : Propulsion data -- Appendix K : Miscellaneous data.
Fundamentals of aircraft and airship design. Volume I, Aircraft design.