edited by Michael Hamacher, Martin Eisenacher, and Christian Stephan.
New York, NY :
Humana Press,
Methods in molecular biology,
Springer protocols
v. 696
1064-3745 ;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Instruments and methods in proteomics / Caroline May ... [et al.] -- In depth protein characterization by mass spectrometry / Daniel Chamrad, Gerhard Körting, and Martin Blüggel -- Analysis of phosphoproteomics data / Christoph Schaab -- The origin and early reception of sequence databases / Joel B. Hagen -- Laboratory data and sample management for proteomics / Jari Häkkinen and Fredrik Levander -- PRIDE and "database on demand" as valuable tools for computational proteomics / Juan Antonio Vizcaíno ... [et al.] -- Analysing proteomics identifications in the context of functional and structural protein annotation : integrating annotation using PICR, DAS, and BioMart / Philip Jones -- Tranche distributed repository and ProteomeCommons.org / Bryan E. Smith ... [et al.] -- Data standardization by the HUPO-PSI : how has the community benefitted? / Sandra Orchard and Henning Hermjakob -- mzIdentML : an open community-built standard format for the results of proteomics spectrum identification algorithms / Martin Eisenacher -- Spectra, chromatograms, metadata : mzML-the standard data format for mass spectrometer output / Michael Turewicz and Eric W. Deutsch -- imzML : imaging mass spectrometry markup language : a common data format for mass spectrometry imaging / Andreas Römpp ... [et al.] -- Tandem mass spectrometry spectral libraries and library searching / Eric W. Deutsch -- Inter-lab proteomics : data mining in collaborative projects on the basis of the HUPO Brain Proteome Project's pilot studies / Michael Hamacher ... [et al.] -- Data management and data integration in the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project / Gilbert S. Omenn -- Statistics in experimental design, preprocessing, and analysis of proteomics data / Klaus Jung -- The evolution of protein interaction networks / Andreas Schüler and Erich Bornberg-Bauer -- Cytoscape : software for visualization and analysis of biological networks / Michael Kohl, Sebastian Wiese, and Bettina Warscheid -- Text mining for systems modeling / Axel Kowald and Seastian Schmeier -- Identification of alternatively spliced transcripts using a proteomic informatics approach / Rajasree Menon and Gilbert S. Omenn -- Distributions of ion series in ETD and CID spectra : making a comparison / Sarah R. Hart ... [et al.] -- Evaluation of peak-picking algorighms for protein mass spectrometry / Chris Bauer, Rainer Cramer, and Johannes Schuchhardt -- OpenMS and TOPP : open source software for LC-MS data analysis / Andreas Bertsch ... [et al.] -- LC/MS data processing for label-free quantitative analysis / Patricia M. Palagi ... [et al.] -- Spectral properties of correlation matrices-towards enhanced spectral clustering / Daniel Fulger and Enrico Scalas -- Standards, databases, and modeling tools in systems biology / Michael Kohl -- Modeling of cellular processes : methods, data, and requirements / Thomas Millat ... [et al.].
Data mining.
Data Mining-- methods, Laboratory Manuals.
Medical Informatics-- methods, Laboratory Manuals.