I. Particle-Surface Interactions, Adhesion and General Papers -- Relevance of Surface Energetics to Departiculation of Disk Drive Substrates -- Particle Adhesion to Surface Under Turbulent Flow Conditions -- Modelling Particle Accumulation on a Filter Surface -- Particles in ULSI Grade Chemicals and Their Adhesion to Silicon Surfaces -- Evaluation of Polymeric Materials Used in the Manufacture of Disk Handling Cassettes -- The Release of Particles During Spaceflight -- II. Particle detection, identification, analysis and characterization -- Statistical Aspects of Surface Particle Counting -- Light Scattering by Submicron Spherical Particles on Semiconductor Surfaces -- BRDF Measurements and Mie Scattering Analysis of Spherical Particles on Optical Surfaces -- Identification of Surface Contaminants Using Infrared Micro-profiling -- Analysis of Particles on Surfaces by Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry -- Characterization of Surface Metal Particulate Contamination Using the Polysilicon Chemical Vapor Deposition Process -- Detection and Subsequent Reduction of Surface Particle Induced Defects on Silicon Wafers -- Isolation and Characterization of Particle Induced Defects from the Lithography Process Using an Electrical Defect Monitor -- III. Particle Reduction and Removal -- Reducing Uncertainties in Particle Adhesion and Removal Measurements -- Particulate and Defect Reduction Strategies for Semiconductor Devices: Tools and Methodologies -- Ultrasonic Cleaning of Surfaces: An Overview -- Particle Protection of Semiconductor Surfaces by Reversible Wafer Bonding and Related Concepts -- Ultra-Clean Air Ionizers for Suppression of Particulate Surface Contamination -- The Cold Jet Process - An Environmentally Sound Alternative for Particles Removal From Advanced Substrates -- Identification and Removal of Storage Induced Particle Contamination on Silicon Wafer Surfaces -- Particle Removal from Oxide, Nitride, and Bare Silicon Surfaces Using Direct-Displacement Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) Drying -- Elimination of Fretting Wear Particles from the Surface of a Power Cable on a Disk Drive Actuator: A Case Study -- Scanning UV Laser Removal of Contaminants from Semiconductor and Optical Surfaces -- About the Contributors.
Springer eBooks
Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Particles on Surfaces held as part of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society in San Diego, California, August 21-25, 1990