edited by Loucas G. Christophorou, David R. James.
Boston, MA :
Imprint: Springer,
Section 1: Basic Physics of Gaseous Dielectrics -- Section 2: Basic Mechanisms/Leader Breakdown -- Section 3: Gas Breakdown -- Section 4: Partial Discharges/Diagnostics -- Section 5: Breakdown Characteristics Under Short Time Fronts and Fast Transients -- Section 6: Special Applications of Gaseous Dielectrics -- Section 7: Pulsed Power Switching/Gas Recovery -- Section 8: Gas Decomposition/Plasma Chemistry -- Section 9: DC GIS/Charging of Solid Insulators -- Section 10: Developments in Gas-Insulated Equipment -- Section 11: Reliability Testing of GIS -- Section 12: Corona/Surface Discharges -- Section 13: Discussion Panel: Real Time Control Diagnostics/Gaseous Dielectrics Needs in HVDC -- Appendix: Banquet Speech -- What Does Industry Expect From Basic Research? -- Participants -- Photographs of Participants -- Author Index.
The Seventh International Symposium on Gaseous Dielectrics was held in Knoxville, Tennessee, U. S. A. , on April 24-28, 1994. The symposium continued the interdisciplinary character and comprehensive approach of the preceding six symposia. Gaseous DielecIries VII is a detailed record of the symposium proceedings. It covers recent advances and developments in a wide range of basic, applied and industrial areas of gaseous dielectrics. It is hoped that Gaseous DielecIries VII will aid future research and development in, and encourage wider industrial use of, gaseous dielectrics. The Organizing Committee of the Seventh International Symposium on Gaseous Dielectrics consisted of G. Addis (U. S. A. ), L. G. Christophorou (U. S. A. ), F. Y. Chu (Canada), A. H. Cookson (U. S. A. ), O. Farish (U. K. ), I. Gallimberti (Italy) , A. Garscadden (U. S. A. ), D. R. James (U. S. A. ), E. Marode (France), T. Nitta (Japan), W. Pfeiffer (Germany), Y. Qiu (China), I. Sauers (U. S. A. ), R. J. Van Brunt (U. S. A. ), and W. Zaengl (Switzerland). The local arrangements committee consisted of members of the Health Sciences Research Division and personnel of the Conference Office of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and staff of the University of Tennessee (UTK). The contributions of each member of these committees, the work of the Session Chairmen, the interest of the participants, and the advice of innumerable colleagues are gratefully acknowledged. I am especially indebted to Dr. Isidor Sauers, Dr. David R. James, Mrs.