Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Mid-America Spectroscopy Symposium Held in Chicago, Illinois, May 20-23, 1963 /
edited by J. E. Forrette, E. Lanterman.
Boston, MA :
Imprint: Springer,
Developments in Applied Spectroscopy ;
Industrial Applications of Microprobe Analysis -- Use of a Multichannel Analyzer for Electron-Probe Microanalysis -- The Development and Use of a Semimicro X-Ray Fluorescence Attachment -- Process Stream Analysis by X-Ray Spectroscopy -- The Use of Digital Techniques to Aid in the Phase Analysis of Portland Cement by X-Ray Diffraction -- Practical Methods of Solving Absorption and Enhancement Problems in X-Ray Emission Spectrography -- X-Ray Spectrometric Analysis of Alloyed Copper -- Radio-Frequency Powered Raman Sources -- The Infrared Determination of Oil in Phosphorus -- The Use of Thin-Layer Chromatography with Infrared Spectroscopy -- The Characterization of Saturated Aliphatic Esters in the 15-40 Micron Region -- The Urey-Bradley Force Field: Its Significance and Application -- The Urey-Bradley Force Constants of Trigonal Bipyramidal XY5- Type Molecules -- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Using Long Absorption Path Lengths and a Demountable Hollow Cathode Lamp -- Flame Photometric Investigation of the Factors Affecting the Emissivity of Metal Chelates -- Mutual Interference Effects of Certain Group III-A Ions with Calcium in. Flame Spectroscopy -- New Developments in Practice and Technique of Flame Spectrometry -- A New Look at Light -- Spectrophotometric Observations of Hydrogen Arc-Jets -- Health Physics Application for Spectrography Monitoring for Beryllium in Air -- Identification of Chemical Species in a Plasma by Emission Spectroscopy -- Spectrographic Determination of Trace Impurities in High-Purity Gold -- Basic Techniques of Making Measurements on the Continuum and Determination of the Relative Intensities oi Stellar Spectral Lines -- The Spectrochemical Determination of Boron in Molybdenum -- The RF Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure and Its Use as an Excitation Source in Analytical Spectroscopy -- Emission Spectroscopy-Panel Discussion -- Application of Electron Spin Resonance Techniques to Biochemical Systems: Current Information on Photosynthetic Systems -- Electron Spin Resonance Spectra of Gamma Radiolysis Products of Solid Acetonitrile -- Absorption Spectra of Diatomic Molecules in Liquid and Crystalline Rare Gases -- Applications of Gas Chromatography to Phosphorus-Containing Compounds -- Some Experiments in Gas Chromatography -- A Broad-Range Ionization Detector.