New techniques and technologies in thin coal seam exploitation
International Mining Forum 2011 /
edited by Artur Dyczko, Polish Academy of Sciences, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Cracow, Poland, Jerzy Kicki, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow Poland, Polish Academy of Sciences, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Cracow, Poland, Michał Myszkowski, Caterpillar Global Mining, Luenen, Germany, Zbigniew Stopa, Lubelski We̜giel "Bogdanka" S.A., Poland, Andrzej Tor, Jastrze̜bska Spólka We̜glowa S.A., Poland.
Leiden :
Taylor & Francis Group,
Includes bibliographical references.
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Coal mines and mining, Congresses.
Dyczko, Artur.
Kicki, Jerzy.
Myszkowski, Michał.
Stopa, Zbigniew.
Tor, Andrzej.
International Mining Forum(24-26 November 2011 :, Bogdanka, Poland)