Algorithmic Trends in Computational Fluid Dynamics
edited by M. Y. Hussaini, A. Kumar, M. D. Salas.
New York, NY :
Springer New York,
Overviews -- A Viewpoint on Discretization Schemes for Applied Aerodynamic Algorithms for Complex Configurations -- Some Remarks about Computational Fluid Dynamics -- Algorithmic Trends in CFD in the 1990's for Aerospace Flow Field Calculations -- Advances for the Simulation of Compressible Viscous Flows on Unstructured Meshes -- Some Challenges in Massively Parallel Computation -- Acceleration Techniques -- Local Preconditioning of the Euler Equations and its Numerical Implications -- Incremental Unknowns in Finite Differences -- Supercomputer Implementations of Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Methods -- Recent Advances in Lanczos-Based Iterative Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems -- Convergence Acceleration Algorithms -- Spectral and Higher-Order Methods -- Spectral Methods for Viscous, Incompressible Flows -- Issues in the Application of High Order Schemes -- Essentially Nonoscillatory Postprocessing Filtering Methods -- Some Novel Aspects of Spectral Methods -- Multi-Resolution and Subcell Resolution Schemes -- Wavelet Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics -- Subcell Resolution Methods for Viscous Systems of Conservation Laws -- Multi-Resolution Analysis for ENO Schemes -- Adaptive-Mesh Algorithms for Computational Fluid Dynamics -- Inherently Multidimensional Schemes -- Beyond the Riemann Problem, Part I -- Beyond the Riemann Problem, Part II -- Three Dimensional Covolume Algorithms for Viscous Flows -- Comments on Session - Inherently Multidimensional Schemes.
This volume contains the proceedings of the ICASE/LaRC Work shop on the "Algorithmic Trends for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the 90's" conducted by the Institute for Computer Applica tions in Science and Engineering (ICASE) and the Fluid Mechanics Division of NASA Langley Research Center during September 15-17, 1991. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together numerical analysts and computational fluid dynamicists i) to assess the state of the art in the areas of numerical analysis particularly relevant to CFD, ii) to identify promising new developments in various areas of numerical analysis that will have impact on CFD, and iii) to establish a long-term perspective focusing on opportunities and needs. This volume consists of five chapters - i) Overviews, ii) Accelera tion Techniques, iii) Spectral and Higher-Order Methods, iv) Multi Resolution/ Subcell Resolution Schemes (including adaptive meth ods), and v) Inherently Multidimensional Schemes. Each chapter covers a session of the Workshop. The chapter on overviews contains the articles by J. L. Steger, H.-O. Kreiss, R. W. MacCormack, O.