edited by David Pollard, Erik Torgersen, Grace L. Yang.
New York, NY :
Imprint: Springer,
1 Counting Processes and Dynamic Modelling -- 2 Multivariate Symmetry Models -- 3 Local Asymptotic Normality of Ranks and Covariates in Transformation Models -- 4 From Model Selection to Adaptive Estimation -- 5 Large Deviations for Martingales -- 6 An Application of Statistics to Meteorology:Estimation of Motion -- 7 At the Interface of Statistics and Medicine:Conflicting Paradigms -- 8 Points Singuliers des Modèles Statistiques -- 9 Exponential Tightness and Projective Systems in Large Deviation Theory -- 10 Consistency of Bayes Estimates for Nonparametric Regression:A Review -- 11 Renormalizing Experiments for Nonlinear Functionals -- 12 Universal Near Minimaxity of Wavelet Shrinkage -- 13 Empirical Processes and p-Variation -- 14 A Poisson Fishing Model -- 15 Lower Bounds for Function Estimation -- 16 Some Estimation Problems in Infinite Dimensional Gaussian White Noise -- 17 On Asymptotic Inference in AR and Cointegrated Models With Unit Roots and Heavy Tailed Errors -- 18 Le Cam at Berkeley -- 19 Another Look at Differentiability in Quadratic Mean -- 20 On a Set of the First Category -- 21 A Limiting Distribution Theorem -- 22 Minimum Distance Estimates with Rates under 0-Mixing -- 23 Daniel Bernoulli, Leonhard Euler, and Maximum Likelihood (including a new translation of a paper by D. Bernoulli) -- 24 Asymptotic Admissibility and Uniqueness of Efficient Estimates in Semiparametric Models -- 25 Contiguity in Nonstationary Time Series -- 26 More Optimality Properties of the Sequential Probability Ratio Test -- 27 Superefficiency -- 28 Le Cam's Procedure and Sodium Channel Experiments -- 29 Assouad, Fano, and Le Cam.
The articles in this volume were contributed by the friends of Lucien Le Cam on the occasion of his 70th birthday in November 1994. We wish him a belated happy birthday. In addition to all the usual excuses for our tardiness in the preparation of the volume, we must point to the miracles of modern computing . .Az3 the old proverb almost put it: there's many a slip 'twixt \cup and \baselineskip. We beg forgiveness of any of our infinitely patient contributors who find that the final product does not quite match with the galley proofs. Our task was also made harder by the sad death of our friend and fellow editor, Erik Torgersen. We greatly appreciate the editorial help of David Donoho with one of the more troublesome contributions. In addition to the 29 contributed articles, we have included a short vita, a list of publications, and a list of Lucien's Ph.D. students. We are also pleased that Lucien allowed us to include a private letter, written to Grace Yang, in response to a query about the extent of his formal mathematical training. The letter gives some insights into what made Lucien one of the leading mathematical statisticians of the century.