edited by Michael T. Heath, Abhiram Ranade, Robert S. Schreiber.
New York, NY :
Imprint: Springer,
IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications,
0940-6573 ;
Models and Mechanisms in Parallel Computation -- A general-purpose shared-memory model for parallel computation -- Supporting a coherent shared address space across SMP nodes: An application-driven investigation -- Single-message vs. batch communication -- Some simple and practical strategies for parallelism -- Discrete and Combinatorial Algorithms -- Locality in computing connected components -- Routing in optical and wireless networks -- Transparent parallel transactions on replicated autonomous databases -- Mathematics of Parallelizing Compilers -- Mathematical tools for loop transformations: From systems of uniform recurrence equations to the polytope model -- Numerical Algorithms -- The scalability of mesh improvement algorithms -- Data parallel performance optimizations using array aliasing -- Coarsening, sampling, and smoothing: Elements of the multilevel method -- Some methods of parallel pseudorandom number generation -- Performance of parallel sparse triangular solution -- Determining an out-of-core FFT decomposition strategy for parallel disks by dynamic programming -- Parallel Computer Systems and Software -- Enabling department-scale supercomputing -- Providing uniform dynamic access to numerical software.
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications ALGORITHMS FOR PARALLEL PROCESSING is based on the proceedings of a workshop that was an integral part of the 1996-97 IMA program on "MATHEMATICS IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING. " The workshop brought together algorithm developers from theory, combinatorics, and scientific computing. The topics ranged over models, linear algebra, sorting, randomization, and graph algorithms and their analysis. We thank Michael T. Heath of University of lllinois at Urbana (Com puter Science), Abhiram Ranade of the Indian Institute of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering), and Robert S. Schreiber of Hewlett Packard Laboratories for their excellent work in organizing the workshop and editing the proceedings. We also take this opportunity to thank the National Science Founda tion (NSF) and the Army Research Office (ARO), whose financial support made the workshop possible. A vner Friedman Robert Gulliver v PREFACE The Workshop on Algorithms for Parallel Processing was held at the IMA September 16 - 20, 1996; it was the first workshop of the IMA year dedicated to the mathematics of high performance computing. The work shop organizers were Abhiram Ranade of The Indian Institute of Tech nology, Bombay, Michael Heath of the University of Illinois, and Robert Schreiber of Hewlett Packard Laboratories. Our idea was to bring together researchers who do innovative, exciting, parallel algorithms research on a wide range of topics, and by sharing insights, problems, tools, and methods to learn something of value from one another.